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Enable Now - Speech to Text

0 Kudos

We are reviewing Enable Now and its features, but don't have it as yet.

If we recorded a video with audio, does Enable now do speech to text?

Or is it just text to speech?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Contributor

There is no speech-to-text capability in SAP Enable Now. You can maybe find a third-party utility that will effectively transcribe the PC sound output (Google offer this service), but nothing built in to SEN. Sorry.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah,

Sorry, not sure of the difference. These are the things that are possible when creating a Simulation:

1. Either while recording the steps in the Simulation or post recording, it is possible for the author to record author for each step in the Simulation
2. After recording a Simulation, it is possible to use the Text to Speech integration with Google Text to Speech, or the Microsoft Windows voices, to generate audio for the steps in a Simulation. The audio can be based on the text of the recorded steps or on over-ride text that an author can enter
3. Audio can be generated for one step in the Simulation at a time, for all the steps in a Simulation simultaneously, or for all the steps in a group of Simulations simultaneously.

Hope that helps. Just let me know if I've missed the question.
