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Enable Now Companion what's new Orange banner is not showing

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Hi I am adding What's New content as we want to utilise the Orange Banner that appear across the top of the initial screen on log in.

What are the correct parameters for enabling this, is it:

WhatsNewDirect = False

InfoBarTimeout = 3 (the default or set to 0 means stays on until clisked)

I have set the readcatalogue=true so any link tiles on the front page set to announcements pop up automatically without switching on Companion. Will this mean the Whats New banner should also appear without switching on Companion?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi David,

Yes, you are correct that whatsNewDirect should be set to false, which is generally the default but it won't hurt to add that because I think it may not be the default in SF. readCatalogue must be set to true, as you mention, to make sure that your users are authenticated. I would definitely set the value of the infoBarTimeout parameter to something more than 3, either 0 or something like 20, to give the users time to respond to the banner.

You must make sure that the content is published and that you have not opened the corresponding application screen because it only shows once, there is no way to get it to show multiple times, the auto starting link tiles can be shown multiple times, but not the What's New banner. SAP Companion does not need to be open for the banner to appear so if it is not appearing for you, the author, you can try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. If you, the author, are having issues getting the What's New banner to appear after you create and publish content, and clear your cache, try asking another user to check.
