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Duplicated records in Story report for Compensation

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Hello community members,

I am create a story report where Job Info is a leading table. Requirement is to bring Current year (Jan 1 to Dec 31 2023) data for job info and compensation and calculate Annual Salary.

Everything is working except that my system is giving multiple and duplicated records. So if Job info has 4 records and compensation has 3 records then system shows 12 records (4 x 3) in a way that for each job info, it bring 3 compensation records.

I have tried Aggregated columns but it sums up the amount which is in Compensation portlet for Basic salary

For Job Info Effective start date 4th Dec 2023, there are 4 records pulled from comp info 4th Dec, 11th Dec, 18th Dec and 25th


Again for job Info start date 11th Dec 2023, 4th Dec 2023, there are 4 records pulled from comp info 4th Dec, 11th Dec, 18th Dec and 25th


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Just an addition in my question is that if I use 'Table structure' as Non Aggregated then 25 records are visible as in Employee profile, 5 records exist for Job Info and 5 for compensation info so system shows 5 x 5 = 25 records

When I use ''Aggregated' in Table , system shows 1 record but it sums the salary amount mentioned in each record of compensation as shared in the SS that in the backend, system considered 25 records (highlighted in "Count" column to calculate the AS amount

Active Contributor
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Hello ishaq.yousuf,

Please refer below SAP Note.

3171154 - Multiple records appearing when creating a Compensation Planning Story


Neeraj Jain

0 Kudos

Hi Neeraj,

The KBA is about Compensation Planning schema. In my case, data exits in compensation information / pay component recurring.

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Hi. Why can't I access this answer please? I'm having the same issues but can't see the answer. I have a sap communities login but it doesn't work to see this answer. Is there another account I need? Thanks