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Customize/configure the "Next" button for an explanation bubble in simulations

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I need to provide an additional explanation to a specific screen area, present in an already recorded simulation.

I have tried to insert an explanation bubble and enable the field "Highlight in Demo Mode".

Since I will need to export this simulation in a video format later, I have configured a display time for this explanation.

Nevertheless, I have two concerns:

- In this case the “Next” button in my explanation does not seem necessary

- This “Next” button seems to be the same as the one used in my custom trainer, but I would like this button to be different in my explanation bubble (shape and colors)

Is there a way to hide this “Next” button, or a specific resource to customize it individually (without impacting my other trainer buttons)?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

If it is just unnecessary, why don't you just hide it? In the properties for the Explanation macro, go to the Simulation category and deselect Show Control.

If you customize the button the way David explains, that will affect ALL uses of the Next button in all simulations, which may not be what you want.

0 Kudos

Hi Dirk,

Thank you for your answer. In this situation, yes, I agree with you, hiding the button is the best option (but I wasn't finding this option field).

I will use also David's explanation later since this button has not been customized.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Hi Emmanuel

You can specify a different button in Tools - Settings | Playback Settings - General - Explanation Link (Forward). You can either specify a different name for the image file or you can create a new image with the same name.

As you correctly point out the image is part of the trainer style so you would need to put the replacement image into the folder location for the style in order for it to work.

I hope that helps.



0 Kudos

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your answer, I have some additional questions.

I did the test to add a new customized icon in the local folder of the trainer and provided its name in Tools - Settings | Playback Settings – General.

The icon changes in my simulation, but is this is only available in the local copy storage of my Producer?

If I need to deploy this button online, do I need to place this new icon in a shared toolbox or in a specific folder in the adaptable resources?

If yes, which type of link am I supposed to provide in the Playback Settings, a Start Link ?

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Emmanuel

Because you have updated the image outside of Enable Now, Producer will not recognise that the object has changed until you refresh the object (Right click - "Refresh Object"). In this case you will need to refresh the trainer style resource.

Once you've done that, the icon on the resource object will change to a purple star indicating that the object has been updated but not yet saved to the server. You can save it for other authors to see the update (once their workarea has been synchronised) and published for end users to see the new icon style in the bubbles.

0 Kudos

Thank you David for your explanation, it will be helpful !

0 Kudos
Hi David, thanks for showing the way how to specify a different button for the explanation link (forward). But I have a question how to change the language for the popup message "next" when hoove ober the button. As we use German as our language the popup is still in English "next". Is there a way to change it to "weiter"? Thanks a lot for your help. Best regards, Peter