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Custom Mandatory Comment in Compensation Form

0 Kudos

Hello Dear Community,

Our client has a particular request regarding a mandatory comment in the SR process. Basically, they use a custom field called "Promotion" which is a Picklist with the values "Yes" and "Not Selected" in order to specify whether an employee will be promoted or not. In case that the Promotion field equals to "Yes", they want the Compensation Planner to insert a mandatory comment in order to justify the Promotion for the employee. In order to insert the comment, we created a custom string field Read-only --> No called Comp Manager Comment in order for the Comp Planner to write a text.

We tried to create a validation error in order to meet the client's request with the following formula:

if(promotion='Yes' && compmanagercomment=' ','Error','').

Basically, we are saying, if the promotion column equals to "Yes" and the comp manager comment field is empty, then give an error, else no. This validation error did not work. Apparently the system cannot recognize whether the custom string comment field is empty or if there is a text inside.

In your experience, is there a way of a workaround for the specific request? The client needs a way in order to force this comment in case of Promotion = Yes, meaning that if the Comp Planner has no comment, the system will not let them save or send the form to the next step (Validation Error).

Thank you in advance for your time.

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Former Member

This is a very common request. It looks like your formula has an error - To check for a blank string, use consecutive quotes. You look to have a space between them.

0 Kudos

Hello, thank you so much for your reply. Now it works correctly.

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