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Can you add a progress bar on individual book pages in Enable Now

0 Kudos

Hi, I know we can have progress bar on a book, but is there any way to add a progress bar to each book page?



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Active Contributor

There's no built-in feature, but I add one to all my Book Pages (via the template, then just changing the duration on the Book Page). See here for an example (the blue bar at the bottom). This was done using two shapes and an Animation control. Very simple.

Most likely there's no built-in feature for this as the best e-learnings include interaction and things happening in response to that, so you don't know how long a user will spend on a page - and the page doesn't necessarily know how many (required) interactions there may be to step through these. You can mitigate this to some extent by using multiple animations each of which progressing in response to an interaction (possibly coupled with Collector controls) but it can get complicated very quickly.

0 Kudos

Hi Dirk, thanks for this. Can you please just check the link you added in the answer as its for an audio setting not the animation control. thanks

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes, that link is correct - that was just an example of it working (you'll see the blue bar at the bottom of the screen - once you move the cursor off the image so you're not seeing the YouTube controls...), not a video on how to do it.