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Can surveys be added to a program



I have successfully attached learning surveys to individual items, but I am wondering if there is a way to attach a learning survey to a learning program. My organization developed a survey to see how the new hire orientation program met learner's needs and to gauge what could be added or removed to the program as a whole. Is there a way to send out this survey once all items in a program are complete? The program is duration based and there is not progress restriction. Employees may complete items within the program in a different order than others, so adding the survey to the last item listed in the program would not necessarily guarantee that it is the last item employees will complete to finish out the program. Therefore, it would be preferable to have the survey sent out once all items in the program are complete.

Is something like this possible?

Thank you!

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Hello margaretstraub,

Please refer below SAP Note.

2536631 - Adding follow-up surveys to items


Neeraj Jain


Thank you for this information, Neeraj, but my question is about adding surveys to programs, not items. Do you know if it is possible to assign survey once a program is completed?

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Hi Margaret, did you find a solution on this?