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We started building the EC Global Benefits in 2014 with an intent of addressing the need to enable companies manage employee benefits world over. Often, when an HR software speaks about Benefits, it is focused on the North American market needs , and I understnad this well because the complexity and business around N.A benefits in big.

However, we at SAP SuccessFactors wanted to take a look at this problem globally and invest in that direction. As a result - today 2 years from the inception of this product - we have customers live in Global Benefits in countries like India, Malaysia, Columbia, Brazil, Singapore, Switzerland and US. Most of these are 10K + employees. More implemenations are ongoing covering countries like Argentina, Canada, Taiwan and Korea. And the list continues to grow.

The Global Benefits Framwework is built on a fundamental understanding that employers accross the world follow common patterns of benefits. You could imagine benefits falling in the bucket of "Reimbursements /Claims" as one pattern,  "Insurances" as another pattern , or "Savings plans , Pensions" as another pattern. Each of these patterns have different business processing, employee eligibility criteria and post enrollment processes. The Global Benefits Framework tool enables these processes.

By studying benefits offered accross the world, we discovered that essentially what varies from one region to another are the patterns that employers offer. For example in the North America - Insurances and Savings plans  are common, in APJ regions - reimbursements based benefits are more common. Then there are certain processes like Open enrollment , Life Event ( common in N.A ) and Flexible benefit selection ( Common in EMEA) that are prevalant. Then the third aspect is Legal reports / regulations that are defined in each country.

As of today- we have built out the patterns. Amongst the common processes we have enabled claims, enrollments and employee edits. Going forward in 2017 and 2018 we will pick up Flexible Benefits selection and automatic Life Events processing.We have standard reports for enrollments provided . Other reports can be built using the Integration center or ODS> With respect to Legal reporting we would start with addressing ACA reporting for US.

Essentially, if you are looking to make Benefits Administration paperless (irrespective of the country) and bring all process and data on to one system (EC) - its time that you look at Global Benefits in more detail. I am leaving you with more resources to look at. Feel free to reach out for questions.

Resources :

1. Overview Deck ,Video and Statement of Direction :

2. Global Benefits Demo:

3. Implementation Guide : --> Global Benefits.

Some Screenshots from the system :

Employee View : Current Benefits and UpComing Enrollments

Benefits Details for Employee Overview :

Best Regards,
Deepika Reddy

Product Management , EC Global Benefits and Localization