We are honored to be recognized as a leader in Forrester Research Inc.’s
“The Forrester Wave™: Learning And Performance Management, Q4 2016.” The report recognizes SAP SuccessFactors as a leader, based on its scores in the current offering, strategy and market presence categories.
The Forrester Wave measures a comprehensive set of criteria. We were evaluated based on the strength of our current offering, strategy, and market presence. Some of the criteria in the current offering category included: Learning content and delivery, customer retention, reporting and analytics, and technology. They gave us the highest possible scores in the social learning, assessment development, blended learning delivery, course ratings, and third party content criteria.
We believe that our mobile capabilities, user interface, and integration features are unsurpassed.
And Learning is just one part of our truly comprehensive suite of HCM software solutions. In fact, the Forrester Wave states that SAP SuccessFactors is a “long-time worldwide leader in performance management”, with a “well integrated performance and learning offering”, and that “customers are very satisfied with product integration and product flexibility”.
The report also stated that “Customers want more in-depth and extensive administrator training as part of implementation.” All customer training is now provided via the SAP Learning Hub. SAP SuccessFactors customers have their own edition called the SuccessFactors Administrator Learning Center (SFALC) with unlimited free access as part of their purchase of the SAP SuccessFactors solution. This transition to the SAP Learning Hub is a major win because with the SAP Learning Hub, our customers get free access to accreditation exams (previously for purchase) and access to Learning Rooms.
Our engagement model for Learning is based on feedback from our strong list of customers as well as our significant experience in the market. Millions of employees, organizational leaders and training professionals around the world have discovered SAP SuccessFactors Learning. As a result, it is consistently and widely recognized as the leading corporate learning solution.
Success and leadership is not just about “product features” but also about continuing to innovate and lead, and to provide excellent service. We look forward to continuing to deliver innovative Learning capabilities in addition to amazing service and support. We are firmly committed to delivering innovative capabilities that help create a culture of continuous learning, flexible and open approaches to supporting learning content, and proven business results at organizations around the world.