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Hello SAP Success Factors Community.

In my years of implementation of SAP SuccessFactors Learning SAP SuccessFactors Learning | SAP | SAP Blogs) I witnessed several times a certain misunderstood about Domains.

Objective of this blog post

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My goal here is share with you some examples that can be helpful for you and your organization to define your best Domain Structure.

Domain Concepts

When we are talking about Domains the main concept is a device that determines record ownership, or in others words, Domains are main administration structures used to control the minor structures called entities.

In conjunction of Admin Roles and Domain Groups is possible have a SAP SuccessFactors Learning`s administrative full control.

Think Domain as a School and his disciplines where each discipline have your own control method processes and owners.

Domain & Roles

For example, you can have a role that is responsible for the class preparation, exams, materials, registrations (Assistant) and at the same time you can have another responsible in training the users, mark the attendance, evaluate (Instructor).

For any of this scenarios you can observe a distinction between the roles, and more, any of each can be for a specific discipline, so we can have:

  • Mathematic Instructor

  • Mathematic Assistance

  • Mathematic Administrator

  • Physics Instructor

  • Physics Assistance

Notice that Mathematic or Physics are our Domain but Instructor, Assistance or Administrator are the roles.

SAP SuccessFactors Learning can give a granular control at this point where is possible have one Assistant that can search a class and another Assistant that can`t do it.

Keeping the same example but resizing for an University, maybe be helpful build one or two levels above, something like History, Physics, English (language and literature), Psychology Domains (Departments Based) but each one can control minor structures - e.g. Physics (Mathematic and Physics).

Not less important we can have a Master Domain that can be the University Name, that have the full administration power above the entire structure.

Now that we know what is and what do, let me give some more context.

Centralized and Decentralized Structures

Domain also strictly align with your Administration concept. It means that you have only one department managing all learning structure in your Organization, you may required only one Domain - called as Centralized. But if you are dipped in a structure that have many countries, regions or departments where each one is own owner, so maybe you need a Decentralized structure.

Some Companies ask me what is the better model, and really we don`t have a formula to answer this, but a question that I have been asking is:

Can this administrator (doesn`t matter who is), to manage another entities in the system that don`t belong himself? If yes, what permissions he must to have? Can he add, edit, delete, search or view each entity?

With this simple approach you can to identify the Domain Model and Roles, maybe mirroring the departments, regions, or demographic structures, and more, at finish you can built a General Administrator can be to do all, Learning Administrator that controls the Learning aspects of training,  Content Administrator etc.

TIP: Bear in mind that a complex structure can be to hard to manage, so try to make more simple as possible.

Updating your Model

To finalize, after elect you best model is important define the update process, its means in how to assign the right administrator in right place with the right permissions. Is import have a governance structure, I suggest to elect a group that will be responsible to manage the Roles x Users, something like a support team with ticket control.

More information about Domain you can find here >>

SAP SuccessFactors Learning Security Domain Restrictions - SAP Help Portal

Any other SAP Success Factors Learning matter don`t hesitate in asking >> Ask a Question | SAP Community

Thanks for reading - I hope this helps
Daniel Romanin