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This post contains steps to implement SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Service Center feature.


What is Employee Central Service Center?

Employee Central Service Center is a support solution that provides an interface between employees and the HR within the organization.

For Employees, It provides a faster way to get answers for all the queries for all the HR-related questions. For HR Team, they have consolidated solutions for providing answers to all the employees questions.


How does it work?

Employees can have access to a search, customize, context-sensitive knowledge base to get answers to their questions. If they can’t find the answer in the knowledge base, they can contact their HR service center directly by creating a ticket, over a phone, or sending an email.



  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central instance.

  • SAP Cloud for Customer tenants

  • SAP Cloud Platform account

  • SAP Cloud Platform Integration account

Service Center Architecture Overview



Below are the steps to be followed to configure this feature.

Integrating SAP SuccessFactors and SAP Cloud Portal for ASK HR application  

Step 1 : Configuring SuccessFactors Extensions


Generating Integration Token

Automated creation of the extension account by using the Integration Token generated from the HCP Account

Generate the Integration Token in the HCP Customer Account -> Integration Tokens -> New SAP SuccessFactors Token

A pop-up appears , Choose “Use SAP SuccessFactors Identity provider” and a warning message appears click on “Yes”.

Integration Token gets generated as shown below



Step 2: Extension Configuration using Integration Token


Place the token in Provisioning at Extension Package Configuration and Save the settings

Login to provisioning -> Extension package configuration -> Add token -> Click on Add button

Note :

After b1908 release, Once the Integration Token is executed in Extension Configuration it auto-enables “Enable Custom Execution Module Integration” from SF provisioning.


Step 3: Verifying Web Services Permissions


SF Provisioning -> Company settings -> Web Services, Enable the 3 highlighted permissions

Note :

After b1908 release, Once the Integration Token is executed in Extension Configuration it auto fills the URL for Authorized SP Assertion Consumer Service Settings in SF Provisioning.


Step 4 : Extension Permission


Login to SF instance account and search for Manage Permissions Groups

Add the required members searching by username and click done. So now the added members will be the administrators for customer extension module (Extensions admin)

Go to Manage Permissions Roles assigned to ECSC Admin and enable the below permissions

Extension Directory

You will be able to access Extension Directory via people search, as you need to type Extensions as shown below

You need to click on link for accessing Extension Directory


Step 5: Enable RBP permission for Admin and Employee Roles in SuccessFactors for ECSC Admin 


Enable the below-mentioned permission in Manage Permission Roles for Admin role


Enable the below mentioned permission in Manage Permission Roles for Employee Role

Step 6: Subscribe Ask HR HTML5 application and JAVAPROXY application


After you have established the generic extension between SCP Cloud Platform and your SAP SuccessFactors instance you need to enable the employee workspace application/ASK HR application on your onboarded SAP Cloud Platform extension sub-account.


1.Create a ticket in the SAP Support portal ticket on component LOD-SF-EC-SRV as per details in KBA - 2591107 - How do I request Employee Central Service Center (ASK HR) Subscription

2.Our provider account contains 2 applications that are subscribed to your sub-account. One is the JAVAPROXY application that is required to ensure security compliance and the other is the Ask HR application which is the end-user interface. After you have been subscribed to the relevant applications, you can view the application in your extension sub-account.

Subscription Completed


Step 7:Activate EC Service Center/Ask HR application (via the Extension Manager)


Launch the Custom External Module on the Homepage -> Click on the Plus + icon to create an Extension -> Select SF Starter Extension template -> Create

Content Management -> Starter Page

Go to Apps -> Click on + icon -> You can create New App

New App gets creates as highlighted

Once New App is created you can select “askhr” from App Resource and enter the details accordingly.

Note :

  1. Ensure intent of ASK HR app is Home & show and catalog is added, before publishing.

  2. If you select the language 'Arabic', ensure that you have upgraded the SAPUI5 version to1.52.

  3. For other languages upgrade ASK HR to SAPUI5 1.71


Publish the page, Select the askhr app to navigate to the top right corner to push the Publish button.

Click on the “Publish and Open’ button


Step 7: Enable Service Center Add-On application on SF Homepage


SF Provisioning -> Company Settings -> Enable Service Center Add-on

Target URL is taken from the published AskHR template:

https://flpnwc-<Sub-account ID>

Copy the URL and paste in provisioning

You will be able to see ASK HR hyperlink in the Homepage


Step 8:Configuring Destination in SCP


Go to destinations in your sub-account and click on import

Note :

- OpenSearch or Jam destination must be added only for the Knowledge Base feature.

- BizX_Odata, CloudForCustomer, and javaproxy are mandatory destinations.


Create destination: Bizx_Odata 

Note :

After b1908 release, Once the Integration Token is executed in Extension Configuration. Local Provider Name & Signing Certificate is auto integrated to Manage OAuth2 Client Applications in SF BizX instance.

Login to SF BizX instance Admin Center -> search as Manage OAuth2 Client Applications -> Copy the API key

After the registration, the API Key is available. Provide the needed information to finalize the destination:

Client Key: API Key copied from BizX OAuth Client

Assertion Issuer: API Key copied from BizX OAuth Client


Create destination: CloudForCustomer

Kindly add C4C URL

User: C4C username

Password: C4C account password


Create destination: OpenSearch


Create destination: javaproxy

The URL needs to be taken from the Application URL’s from the subscribed javaproxy application

This is how the screen looks once all 4 destinations are added

Navigate back in your Extension account to Applications -> Subscription -> Click on askhr




Navigate to SF instance -> Access Home Page ASK HR link and a pop-up appears as per the below screenshots

You can search Knowledge Base here

Access list of tickets

You can maintain Contact HR details

You can create an incident from Employee View



Integrating SAP Cloud for Service for ASK HR application


Step 1:Creating an employee as Business User


Navigate to Administrator -> Employees

Step 2:Create a user to be configured in SPC


Navigate to Administration -> General Settings -> Business User

Log on as an Admin user and navigate to the ‘ADMINISTRATOR’ work center

Go to section Users and click on Business Users(before to this, you should create user ECSC Admin as an employee)

Choose the Business user and assign the corresponding HR Agent role to the user.


Work Center/View ID                               Work Center             View Name

BPM_EMPLOYEES                                  Administrator              Employees

SEOD_TICKETMD_SADL_WCVIEW      Service                        Tickets

CRM_SERVICECATEGORIES                Service Entitlements   Service Categories


Step 3:Scoping


Navigate to Business Configuration Work Center -> Select Implementation Projects -> Select First Implementations -> Select Edit Project Scope    (For Example : United States)

Under Scoping -> Select the below elements

Service -> Entitlement Management -> Service Level Agreements 
Service -> Employee Support -> Communication Channel - Portal


Step 4:Scope Service Level Agreement


Enable “You have common service level agreements” business option

Navigate to Business Configuration -> Select Implementation Projects -> Select First Implementations -> Select Edit Project Scope-> Select Activity list


Step 4:Document types


Under Document Types -> Select Maintain Document Types

The Document Types need to be configured like this:


Document type = ‘SRRE’ Employee Support Ticket

Process Variant = Employee Support

Status Schema = Employee Support


Step 5:Ticket Status Dictionary


Select Maintain Status Dictionary Entries

The Ticket status codes are hardcoded in the application, therefore the customizing in C4C requires a very specific configuration.


Step 6:Ticket Status Schemas


Select Maintain Status Schemas

Add the below-highlighted employee support schema


Step 7:Configure Attachment Types


Navigate to Business Configuration -> Implementation Projects -> Open Activity List -> Allowed MIME Types for Document Upload

Allowed MIME Types for Document Upload

Filter for MIME Type: text/html

Activate the Basic Settings – MIME Type Check Active

Uncheck the Allowed check box

Press Save and Close


Step 8:Configure the Service Catalog


Navigate to Administration ->Service and Social Settings -> Service Categories

Click on New -> Service Category Catalog -> Under Usage, Select the ticket type as “SRRE-Employee Support” -> Maintain the Service Categories -> Add Service Category, Cause category and Object Category


Step 9:Enabling Employee Support Work Center for your Agents


Navigate to Administration -> General Settings -> Business Roles

Create Business Role for HR Agents

Assign the Work center view ‘Employee Support’ to work center ‘Service’

Assign a Business role for HR Agents to a Business User

Log on as an Admin user and navigate to the ‘ADMINISTRATOR’ work center

Go to section Users and click on Business Users(before to this, you should create HR Agent as an employee)

Choose the Business user and assign the corresponding HR Agent role to the user.




-Work Center View ID: COD_EMPLOYEES

How to Create tickets using ASK HR app in SuccessFactors?


Login as Employee -> Click on ASK HR hyperlink in homepage -> Click on Create Ticket as below & Save


Employee view of the ticket once it’s submitted in SuccessFactors


Agent View in C4C after employee submitting the ticket in SF




Active Contributor
arpitha.guptapv  thanks for the step-by-step and detailed guide?
Nice Blog Thanks Arpitha for providing step by step process of Service center
0 Kudos
Thank you parthu69  !!
0 Kudos
Thanks faisal.iqbal
Very informative document!
0 Kudos
Thank you nishita.nanjappa !!
0 Kudos
Hi Arpitha,

This is an awsome article.

Can you please let me know, can we also have ASK HR with out C4C?


Thank you.
0 Kudos
Hi Avinash ,

Thank you, Agent workspace is controlled by C4C system.

Hence it is not possible to have ASK HR implemented without C4C.
Thanks for the Detailed Information.
0 Kudos
Hi Arpitha.  Excellent Document and it is really helpful for the consultants.  Could you please share your kind view on the requirement gather perspective.  Is there any Workbook for this to capture the requirement ? Pls. suggest.
Hi Prashant ,

Currently, there is no workbook available for this feature.

You can follow the same sequence as implementation handbook
Thanks Arpitha!

0 Kudos
Thanks Arpitha for the detailed blog, I just have a small question concerning the extension. I added the integration token but when I press on the <link> in extensions in SF, I'm getting redirected to the SF homepage and not getting access to the extension page to add the ASK HR app. Any idea where did I go wrong?


Best Regards,


Ramy Berbary
0 Kudos
Hi Ramy,

You might not have permissions to SCP system that is the reason you are directed to Homepage.

Kindly try granting permissions as per KBA

How to Grant HANA Cloud Platform(HCP/SCP) Access to SAP Product Support for ASK HR Application?
0 Kudos



This article is very helpful but i have a question regarding to step 6  (extensions directory). Do you have any ideas or experience with SAPUI5 issue?

When i want to publish and open the app

It says:

App could not be opened because the SAP UI5 component of the application could not be loaded.

see in attach. Appreciate any help

best regards



0 Kudos
Hi pgrunholz  ,

There might be issue with Apps & Pages config and also check If integration between SF & SCP system is actively enabled.


0 Kudos
hello, good blog! Can you create rules so that depending on the category of the ticket it is assigned to a certain agent?
0 Kudos
viridianalopez : I guess so, we should check from C4C supportability for the rule configuration.
0 Kudos
Hi arpitha.guptapv - Are these steps still relevant with all the latest releases in SF, SCP & ECSC? We are starting to implement for a client and hoping that this blog could be helpful.



0 Kudos
Hi arpitha.guptapv , Is there a possibility to have "Virtual Agent" in the Contact HR section? I mean, can a live person (HR agent) be able to chat with the end-user from the Ask HR application?

0 Kudos

Hi , Please go through this FAQ before starting the project. This will save you a lot of time.

Thanks shyamsundarr01. I will bookmark this.
0 Kudos
Hi , Quick question for you. What is the effort estimate you have planned for implementing EC SC(ASK HR) with KB in SAP Jam?
0 Kudos
Hi shyamsundarr01 : Chat bold is not supported for ASK HR application.

0 Kudos
Thank you Arpitha. One more doubt. Can we house this application in Workzone for HR?
Hi shyamsundarr01  : Currently, integration with SAP  workzone is not supported. Would suggest you to raise an enhancement request via the customer community portal.
0 Kudos
Hi Viridiana,


Its possible to route ticket based on category, sub-category and custom fields if needed. Under Service & Social workcenter select "Ticket Routing Rule by Employee"
Hi Shyamsundar,


It hardly takes 1 hour that also I am saying maximum.
0 Kudos


My client wants to implement EC service center and Ask HR functionality. Should I follow all the above steps or anything else is required?



0 Kudos
Hi sujatapatil ,

Yes, you need to follow all the above steps and additional steps mentioned in Implementation Guide.


0 Kudos
Hi arpitha.guptapv ,

Thanks for writing the detailed blog.

Do we get to use the 'approval' and 'workflow' capabilities of C4C in ECSC also?

I couldn't find any specific reference for this. Perhaps, you could help.


0 Kudos
Hi sushil1993

Can you share an example rule to do that?


0 Kudos
Hello arpitha.guptapv ,


If someone wants their interactions to be recorded for third party intervention for any issue. Though I am aware of email interaction where external mail id can be tagged but that won't include past communications or the chat history. Please let me know if I am missing something or there is any solution for this?

0 Kudos
Hi arpitha.guptapv

Please let us know if SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Service Center can be offered to customer having SAP ERP (On Premise) as HRIS? without EC?


0 Kudos
Hi aju.mahajan11 ,

No, you will not able to use workflow feature for ECSC.


0 Kudos
Hi shankarskum ,

ECSC can implemented only on SuccessFactors Employee Central system.


0 Kudos
The legacy ticketing widget service is being discontinued shortly.  Apart from implementing ECSC, what other ways can we implement a ticketing solution going forward?
0 Kudos


Can you please help to understand ticket assignment process in ECSC? I mean employee tickets are assigned to role or person?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Tickets can be routed to either Team or a User using ticket routing rules.

Thanks for the detailed blog.

Regarding the knowledge base integration, Sharepoint / Teams can be integrated as Knowledge based ? I don't find the information anywhere..


0 Kudos
Hello arpitha.guptapv can you please shared the implementation guide for this


and second i have one question in the top there are two things to do


1. Integrating SAP SuccessFactors and SAP Cloud Portal for ASK HR application

2. Integrating SAP Cloud for Service for ASK HR application (this involved business users )


these both have to be followed or just can do with step 1 your kind help required for this and specially what account do i need to have from my client can you please specify that accounts
0 Kudos
Please check with SAP Sales team
0 Kudos
No, you will not be able to integrate Sharepoint/Teams for Knowledge Base. Only Mindtouch and SAP JAM is supported.
Hi arpitha.guptapv,

Thanks for the useful blog post!

I would like to ask is it possible to create custom UI Theme for the AskHR different from the SuccessFactors UI Theme, if yes, how can we?

Thank you in advance!

0 Kudos
Hi - we're really struggling to find proper documentation for the ECSC AskHR module -  some real basic things that we'd like to change like email notification templates, its impossible to find any guides out there.. hope you can help


Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
Hi Attila,

No, it's not possible to use a custom UI theme only specific to ASK HR. As the theme remains the same for SF& ASK HR.



Hi Dren ,

Looks like you can change the e-mail notification template. Please check with SAP C4C team for the possibility.


0 Kudos
Arpitha - Does the EC Service Center work on/with the NS2 platform?  If so, do you have any implementation information?  Thank you!
0 Kudos
Hi dawnrose ,

ESCS does not work with  NS2 platform.


Great Blog! All relevant information are consolidated in one place. Thank you very much!