Dear All,
This article is intended for SAP Commissions Consultant specially for Workflow and Reporting Consultants when you don't find problematic users in your application due to cause of special characters and got failed during User Sync Process without notice.
you will come to know, how to find all the special characters which is considered for validation and also an example to get an overview of it.
Users that contains specific special characters will not sync to other applications (LDAP, Workflow & Business Objects)
Recommended solution: avoid using the special characters
Go to SAP Commissions - Maintenance - User Sync
The below characters are the standard set of disallowed special characters for names including object and file names:
- ‘ (apostrophe) (This is allowed in the participants workspace)
Because the following special characters can cause potential access problems while viewing reports, SAP Commission application discourages their use in Position or Participant names in Commissions as well as in the user IDs created:
& (ampersand) can be used only for User IDs. For example, & (ampersand) can be used only for Participant User ID, but not for Participant First Name, Last Name, and so on.
Also this characters are not allowed (ä ü ö)
Example : As you see from below screenshot, one of the
Participant's Last Name having $
Quick way to find out if there is any special characters found in First Name, Last Name & userId by using Participant API Endpoint
Note : SAP Commissions API's can only pull upto 999 records.