Part 1: Setting up Address Validation Service in BTP
This Blog is a collaboration work between SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Team, SAP Data Quality Management Team and SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Localization Team.
In this article we want to share our hands-on experience on a recent project experience and learning journey on how to enable on SAP BTP, SAP Data Quality Management, Microservices for Location Data within SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. Goal is to enable address validation for following countries in SAP SF EC for employee and employee's dependent address by the New Hire and Address change process.
In this blog we will work with the countries/regions below, but the described process can also be used for other countries/regions
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Australia
- Mexico
- Singapore
What is Address Validation Service? Address Validation Service helps validate an employee and employee’s dependents address. Address checks determine if address data such as country, region and postal code length is consistent. If you enter inconsistent data, the system displays a relevant error message, and you cannot save or activate the address data.
Address Validation Service is based on SAP Data Quality Management, microservices for location data that is hosted on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).
To enable Address Validation Service, configuration must be performed on BTP as well as in SAP SF Employee Central. Hence my post is divided into
three-part series.
- Part 1: Setting up Address Validation Service in BTP.
- Part 2: Creating Address Mapping Configurations.
- Part 3: Steps to enable Address Validation Service in SAP Success Factors Employee Central.
Part 1: Setting up Address Validation Service in BTP
Steps to enable Data Quality Management (DQM) microservice is mentioned in detail on
SAP Help document. I will focus mainly on high-level steps on BTP side.
BTP DQM Subaccount
DQM service was only available in
AWS provider and
Europe Frankfurt Region for Cloud Foundry environment at the time of writing this blog. You can check the availability/Pricing/Roadmap on
SAP Discovery Center.
1. Create Cloud Foundry
SubAccount, Space and make sure
Data Quality Services and
Data Quality Service UI service plan entitlement is selected as shown below.
Data Quality Service Entitlement
2. Navigate to Space and create Data Quality Service Instance, select Standard Plan and give instance name.
Data Quality Service Instance
3. Create a Service Key, make sure to provide the parameters in JSON format and copy certificate information from SAP SF Employee Central as shown below and then choose Create.
"xsuaa": {
"credential-type": "x509",
"x509": {
"certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIFXXXXXXXXXxxxxXXxx-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"certificate-pinning": false
Note: The certificate value in the “” ("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIFXXXXXXXXXxxxxXXxx-----END CERTIFICATE-----") needs to be replaced with the certificate information from the
CRT file that you have to generate in the SAP SuccessFactors Security Center.
Refer to Part 3 of this blog series under Security Center (X509 Certifications) step 3.
Create Service Key
4. Make a note of Client ID and URLS to perform the configuration in SF Employee Central.
Data Quality Configuration UI
Make sure to subscribe to Data Quality Service to have Configuration UI Application.
DQM Configuration BTP Roles
For Data Quality Service UI to work, DQMMICRO_POWERUSER role is provide. We must create our own role collection and assign it to the user.
Accessing Configuration UI: Access DQM Microservice UI
Note: If you don't see number in Configurations tile then make sure the role DQMMICRO_POWERUSER is correctly assigned to your ID. Configuration tile will show number 9 initially.
Address mapping configuration will be covered in
part 2.
Thank you!