Requirement: Customer in middle east have a process around leave advance payment which is very commonly used for blue collar employees. As part of this process the blue collar employee is provided salary advance based on leave balance.
A lot of companies actually accrue this amount during each month payroll. Which means that a liability is created for the organization on how much money do they own to all employees as part of leave advance.
This accrual scenario if needs to be achieved in a landscape where SF EC is the master and payroll is run on the S4 HANA system then the need is to transfer the leave balance to the ECC system.
There has to be a job that needs to update the leave balance of the employee in ECC.
Update of this leave balance into 2006 infotype can add a lot of configuration and testing requirement hence an option is to pass this using the additional payment infotype.
To arrive to a design the objective of the process is to be understood. The leave balance of the type of leave used for advance payment is to be made available for each employee.
We created a custom field in infotype 15 with which we assigned a wage type. Custom field in infotype 15 has the same domain as leave balance field in infotype 2006.
Custom field was created in such a way that it is available only for specific wagetype.
This is a small enhancement in ECC around infotype.
A customer interface in SAP Cloud platform was created using API EmpTimeAccountBalance. This api helps calculate quota for specific leave type on a date. The interface reads data from EC using the API and updates ECC infotype 15 custom fields for specific wagetype.
To update ECC infotype 15 you can either use any existing webservice that can be created out of a remote function or create a custom bapi and convert this into web service.
This will be a job that will be scheduled based on need and it is not a real time update.
You will have to modify your respective country payroll function where a select statement would be reading the balance from infotype 2006. The balance will have to be read from infotype 15. This can be easily done by writing an explicit enhancement.
There can be many scenarios in a hybrid landscape where leave quota might be required and this approach can be used effectively.
Please make sure you have a clear error log updated while quota is transferred in case of ECC record update failure.