Introduction (Presentation can be downloaded here) :
- When testing and validating new compensation configurations in Production (or any other environment where actual employee emails are loaded and email redirection to a generic inbox isn’t in place), we (customer team and consultant) need to make sure that no notification will ever get triggered while we are testing (launching and routing new worksheets and making edits in the executive review mainly). This applies to a new compensation template production cutover or a “duplicated” template from within the environment to prepare for a new cycle : email notifications get turned on by default when a template is duplicated.
- It is even more important when customers have a Comp Admin only process (frequently the case for Bonuses or Stock/Options calculations) where compensation worksheets and screens should not be seen by any manager or employee until statements have been generated and made visible on each employee’s profile.
- Unwanted notifications being sent out to end-users (managers, employees, HR) when they shouldn’t are detrimental to the image and the trust of employees in SuccessFactors hence this topic is one of the most important when working with the SuccessFactors Compensation Module.
Video walkthrough
The official description of all compensation module related notifications can be found here.
All the best,
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