Employee Central Payroll Time Sheet enables Employees to record their time in a weekly Time Sheet. When time recording is completed for a given week, employees can then submit the Time Sheet for APPROVAL.
The objective of this blog spot is to cover the critical objects of Time sheet without which Employee cannot record Time entry, then discuss about the pre-requisites that needs to be turned ON, discuss few scenarios of Timesheet such as REGULAR TIME & OVERTIME and conclude with the architectural flows of replication from Timesheet(Time Valuated result) to ECP as well as Time sheet to HCM.
The parameters that are required to enable Time sheet for Employee are
Time Recording Variant: EC Time sheet supports two types of Variants.
- CLOCK BASED where Employees record the start and end times of their work and
- DURATION BASED where Employees record only the duration of their work within a specific period, in hours and minutes.
Time Recording Method: EC Time sheet supports Positive Time Recording, Negative Time Recording, Overtime Recording and Absence only Recording.
- Positive Time recording : Every hour worked must be entered in the Time sheet.
- Negative Time Recording : Only deviations to the planned working time must be entered in the Time sheet. It can also include On call Time as well as Allowance Types.
- Over Time Recording : Overtime that is only beyond the planned working time must be entered in the Time sheet. It can also include On call Time as well as Allowance Types.
- Absence only Recording : This is purely used for Reporting purposes and is used when Employee receives a set Compensation package without the need of any Time submission.
Time Recording Profile: Time Recording Profile is used to define Overtime and Working Time Regulations.
Time Valuation: The Time Recording Profile contains the Time Valuations where the recorded time will be calculated and thereby generating the appropriate Time Pay Types (Regular, Over Time, OT1.5, OT2.0 etc.).
Time valuation process (valuates) input time data, calculate an employee's time, and generate Time Pay Types which provide the basis upon which employees are paid for the time they record.
- The time sheet calculates individual employee time valuation result entries, one for each relevant 'time pay type' and collects them in a single time valuation result. It is this single 'unified' time valuation result that is relevant for payroll.
- This result is replicated to payroll (Info type 2010) after an individual employee's time sheet is approved, if an integration between the Payroll Time Sheet and Employee Central Payroll has been set up.
- If an integration between the Payroll Time sheet and SAP HCM is enabled, then the result will be replicated to Info type 2010(Employee Remuneration). Please note that per standard Integration, it will be replicated only to Info type-2010 but not to Info type-2002.
Time Profile: Grouping of all the Time Types that are applicable for the Employee. It includes ATTENDANCE Time Types, ABSENCE Time Types, ON CALL Time Types as well as ALLOWANCES.
Holiday Calendar: Every Employee must be assigned to a unique Holiday Calendar and that will be automatically calculated in the Time sheet.
WORK SCHEDULE: This must be assigned to Employee in order to determine the actual planned working time of an Employee. (It can be CLOCK based as well as DURATION based).
Time Recording Admissibility: This is to ensure whether the Time sheet Amendments are allowed or not and If it is allowed, up to how many weeks to the past it is allowed.
Prerequisites to enable TIME SHEET:
Navigate to “Manage Employee Central Settings” and enable TIME OFF and TIME SHEET.
Using Role Bases Permission for the appropriate ROLES, enable all the below fields in JOB INFORMATION section.
Using RBP for the appropriate ROLES, enable the TIME SHEET and TIME OFF under Employee Views.
Now lets walk through few scenarios on how we can use Time sheet in our day to day business process.
SCENARIO-1: POSITIVE TIME RECORDING without any OVERTIME concept(Simple Scenario).
Since the requirement is to capture only REGULAR Working Time, include all the relevant Attendance Time Types and assign them to a Time type group as shown below.
Now, create a Time Valuation where the above created Time Type group will serve as an Input.
If the Time sheet has to be valuated per week, then the VALUATION method must be “Valuate whole sheet”. If it is to be valuated per day, then select “Valuate per day”.
We do not have any CAP here and hence the Threshold Type is FIXED with a value 0. Any Time recorded above 0 hours will be considered as REGULAR hours.
Time Type group would serve as an input based on Employee’s recorded working Time and the calculated time will be stored as output in the REGTM (Regular Time).
Assign the TIME PARAMETERS such Time Profile, Holiday Calendar, Work Schedule, Time Recording Profile, Time Recording Admissibility, Time Recording Variant and Default Overtime Compensation to Employee’s Job information as shown below.
Navigate to employee profile and select TIME SHEET
Below is the TIME SHEET screen where Employee has entered 40 hours and the Time sheet has been approved by Manager successfully.
In this case the REGULAR TIME generated is 40 hours.
For the same above scenario, even If you enter more hours, system would still consider this as REGULAR time because of the way we built our Time Valuation.
Below is the TIME SHEET screen where Employee has entered 46 hours but the Regular Time is still 46 hours. You can see this in Time Valuation Trace screen too below.
SCENARIO-2: POSITIVE TIME RECORDING with OVERTIME concept.(Any hours recorded beyond 40 hours must be generated as Overtime and that should be paid OT1.5 times)
Since the requirement is to capture REGULAR Working Time as well as OVER TIME, include all the relevant Attendance Time Types and create a Time type group as shown below for the Regular Time. This Time Type group includes WORK_TIME, TRAVEL_TIME, EDUCATION_TIME and ADMIN_TIME.
- You can also create TIME TYPE GROUP for OVER TIME If in Time sheet you enter OVERTIME by selecting a particular Time Type created exclusively for Over Time.
- Another approach is not to create any OVER TIME specific Time type and instead the hours that are recorded beyond the Scheduled working time must be calculated as Over time. I have chosen this case for our example.
- We need to create one TIME TYPE group here to include all REGULAR Time types.
- Build the Time Valuation is such a way that the Recorded Time will be calculated and automatically splits the hours into two buckets. All the hours up to 40 will be in one bucket that would be paid at the Regular rate and all the hours recorded above 40 will be in Over time bucket and this will be paid 1.5 times the hourly rate.
- Include the above Time Valuation in a Time Recording profile and assign the same to Employee in the Job information as shown below.
Valuation Type: Time valuation using valuation type
Aggregate Input Group & Split involves aggregating (combining) input data from different input groups of time data (for example, Recorded Working Time, Paid Holidays, Paid and Unpaid Absences) and then applying a pre-defined threshold to 'split' the input time data into two distinct 'output' time type groups:
Time Type Group Above – It collects the time valuation results above the given threshold value
Time Type Group Below – It collects the time valuation results up to the given threshold value
The Valuation Method : It determines if the threshold value is applied per day (Valuate Per Day) or per week (Valuate Whole Sheet).
Now navigate to employee Profile and enter the Time sheet as below.
The total hours entered are 50. Out of which 40 hours has been charged as REGULAR and 10 hours has been charged as OVERTIME.
SCENARIO-3: POSITIVE TIME RECORDING with OVERTIME concept along with consideration of PAID HOLIDAYS.(Any hours recorded beyond 40 hours must be generated as Overtime and that should be paid OT1.5 times and PAID HOLIDAYS must also be considered automatically in Timesheet)
- Follow the same steps as scenario one with only one change in TIME VALUATION. Here for this scenario, you need to create one more Time Type Group to include PAID HOLIDAYS and include the same in the TIME VALUATION. Below is how it looks once we add the mentioned step.
Now navigate to employee Profile and enter the Time sheet as below. MONDAY(Jan 20, 2020) is HOLIDAY per below Time sheet and hence we don’t see any scheduled hours.
- The total hours entered are 42., out of which 32 hours has been charged as REGULAR and 10 hours has been charged as OVERTIME.
- Paid Holidays also can be seen on the Time sheet as 8 hours.
- Also, the REGULAR hours will then be added to PAID HOLIDAYS and hence the REGULAR will be summed to 40 hours.
The Time Valuation Result then can be replicated to SAP HCM through the standard Integration and the result can also be replicated to EC PAYROLL through the standard PTP Replication.
Below are the Architectural Diagrams for both the Replications(TIME SHEET to SAP HCM as well as TIME SHEET to EC PAYROLL).
Replication of EC Payroll Time sheet Time Valuation Result to SAP ERP HCM
Replication of EC PAYROLL Time sheet Time Valuation Result to EC PAYROLL
I hope this helps and you can use the above scenarios in order to build additional real time scenarios.
Thanks and Regards,
Jaya Krishna Palakusi.