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Product and Topic Expert
With 1702 we provide a new way to manage workflows, for managers as well as for HR admins, including sorting of workflow requests, filtering out certain workflow requests, as well as mass approving several requests at once. This helps managers and HR admins to more efficiently and timely manage workflows.

Easy access from ToDos

From the ToDos section on the new homepage you can easily access to be approved workflows in a very structured way. If you have workflows to be approved, a tile shows up in the ToDo section called Approve Requests.

Alternatively the ToDos can be reached via the check mark icon in the global header. Wherever you are in the BizX Suite, you can click the check mark to access the ToDos via a site panel:

Now we need to differentiate if the user is an HR admin, which typically has a lot of workflows to work on and therefore needs an advanced work area, or is a manager, which often has only a reasonable amount of workflows.

By clicking on the Approve Requests tile or section, managers see a pop up listing their workflows:

On the pop the manager has the following possibilities:

  • Directly approve single requests

  • Access workflow details by clicking on the workflow title

  • Or move on to the new UI to manage workflows via “Go to Workflow Requests”.

Managing Workflow Requests

Here now you can efficiently review workflows, filter out certain workflows, sort them and even mass approve workflows:

Our goal is to provide key information of the workflow request in the second column of the list to enable direct approval from this page. For some workflow types it is easy to derive this data like for time off, for other workflow types it is more challenging, as there are, for example, too many data changes and it is therefore hard to define the key information. This is the reason, why you will see for some of the workflows no additional data in the second column.

Sent back workflows

In addition to workflows you need to approve, you will also find workflows, which are sent back to you and need your attention. For sent back workflows we do not show the Approve button and they cannot be selected.

Filter and/or sort the workflows to come up with a list you want to mass approve, or sort workflows to be able to focus on your most urgent ToDos.

Filter workflows by

  • Event Reason – all event reasons (custom defined) already used for a workflow are listed.

  • Request Type – predefined request types are shown.

  • Requested For – search for workflows of a specific employee. Please note you cannot search for an object, like position or a location.

  • Effective Date Range – here you can filter for workflow changes, which become effective within a certain range.

  • Initiated By – search for users, who have initiated a data change, which needs to be approved by you.

  • Initiated Date Range – filter by the creation day.

Click Go to make the changes in the list.

In addition you can click the sort icon (up and down arrows) at the right of the screen to sort the workflows either by Effective Date or Initiated Date. By default your workflows are sorted by descending by initiated date.

Mass Approval

Besides approving individual workflows, you can now approve several requests at once: After selecting workflows, the number of selected workflows is displayed in front of the top-most Approve button. By clicking the button, all the selected workflows will be approved in one go.

You can select all preloaded workflows at once by clicking the Select check box. As the system only loads a maximum of 10 workflows at a time, maximum the first 10 workflows are selected. As an example, you have 20 workflows in your list. When you open the page (without clicking More) and click the Select checkbox, only the 10 loaded workflows are selected. If you scroll down the page and click More, the next 10 workflows are loaded. Click the Select All checkbox again to select all 20 workflows.

As the workflows will be approved asynchronously, it may take a while until they are all approved. And in order to avoid performance problems, the number of workflow requests, that can be approved at one time, is limited to 100.


We have consciously decided to only provide the Approve action for mass processing for a couple of reasons: We were hearing from our customers that over 95 % of their workflows are typically approved, so there is a real use case for mass maintenance only for approvals. And also, that the remaining workflows are the tricky ones, where it is typically required to view all the details and as you are anyhow in the details, you can take the action from there.

How can I more efficiently manage workflows?

The following must be turned on in Provisioning:

  • Homepage V3

  • Intelligent Services

HR admins only need access to an advanced work area for managing approvals. There is no point in showing them first the pop up with only some of their workload. This intermediate step can be avoided by granting the following permission: Direct Access To Workflow Requests.

That simple is it! As said, only good reasons for using the new homepage and the new way to manage workflows! Enjoy it!



Please find this information also in the updated workflow guides:

Workflow Implementaion Guide

Workflow User Guide