As tribute to our colleagues who have been working for SAP Labs Poland for over
a decade we decided to interview them to about the past, their memories and future plans. In this series, we would love to thank them all and wish them all the best in their careers. Below the fourth anniversary interview with Wojciech Gruszczyk!
SAP Labs Poland: When exactly did you start working in our company?
Wojciech Gruszczyk: It was on the 1st of July 2010. I remember myself being the 30th person employed in the polish division of hybris.
SLP: What position did you start at and where are you now?
WG: I started as a Solution Engineer. Back then it was a team of three: Radek Gołąbek who joined one month earlier, Mirek Szot who joined one month later and myself. Over time
I moved to R&D where I worked on backoffice framework holding many different roles: from Developer, through Scrum Master to Product Owner. Recently I joined the Upscale team where I continue to work as Product Owner.
SLP: What was the biggest change for you in the last 10 years?
WG: It is hard to say which change was the biggest. Even though I’m employed in the company for 10 years now, my responsibilities were changing very often and every time it was a big-bang:
- understanding enterprise-scale project being a junior developer is hard
- becoming a Scrum Master helped me to convert into an extrovert, which isn’t easy for programmers
- as a Product Owner I had to overcome the fear of public presentations and rock the stage
- after the acquisition some people left the company which was, in a way, painful...
SLP: 10 years has already passed? How do you feel about that?
WG: Oh.. so I’m not the young god anymore?
SLP: What was your plan for your career? Are you now in a completely different place than you originally planned to be?
WG: Since I gave up the idea of becoming a physicist, my plan was to be a programmer.
For quite a while I managed to implement that plan, yet at some point I gave in and accepted the roles related to execution (Scrum Master, Product Owner) and over time also related to HR. I have to admit that the later turned out to be both challenging and demanding at the same time and I’m glad that I accepted the challenge. Probably if you asked me 10 years ago whom I want to be in 10 years, I would have answered: Software Architect. Do I regret that I’m not one today - definitely not!
SLP: What is the funniest memory or story of those 10 years?
WG: Well... normally this would be a long story, full of juicy anecdotes, probably a bit hoppy, but as this will be shared, I will only mention few places where I had great time with hybris friends:
- Franz Josef
- Augustiner
- Hirschgarten
and yes, you are not wrong... we all worked there overtime.
SLP: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? ?
WG: It’s hard to think about exact responsibilities in that long time frame. Definitely I want to build great software with even better people around me.
Thank you Wojciech for the interview. We wish you continued your career successfully.
Happy Anniversary! The next story will be published soon.

Photo: Ten years ago

Photo: Currently
Written by SAP Labs Poland