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Using Deep Links in SuccessFactors

What is a Deep Link?

A deep link is a hyperlink that links directly to a specific page in the SAP SuccessFactors application (e.g., ""), rather than the highest-level page (e.g., "").

Where to use the Deep Links?

Deep links can be used anywhere hyperlinks are possible. We can use them in offline content, such as your internal documentation, or on intranet sites, like your company portal. They can also be used in third-party applications, such extensions built on the SAP Cloud Platform. We can even use deep links within the SAP SuccessFactors system itself, such as on a custom tile on the home page or in custom navigation links on the Employee Profile.

Deep Links with URL Parameters.

Some deep links can be used with parameters (query strings) that contain additional data that is not present in the hierarchical path structure of the URL.

For example, the following deep link will redirect the user, after logging in, to the Personal Information page for the specified user with a User ID of "jsmith1":


Although this example is static and would only be useful for accessing one particular user's information, a third-party application or extension could be made to dynamically insert into this URL the correct SuccessFactors user ID for any given user. If you are adding a deep link to the SuccessFactors user interface using the Custom Navigation tool, you can use a URL token to do this.

The most commonly accepted parameter is for a "selected user", defined by their User ID. However, there are a few other types of parameters supported by certain deep links, such as the Session ID of a calibration session, the Position ID on the Succession Org Chart, and the Req ID of a job requisition.

Using Deep Links

To use a deep link, add it to the base URL of your SuccessFactors instance.


  1. Determine the base URL used in your system. The base URL can vary slightly by customer and by region but always ends in "".

For example, if your main SuccessFactors login page is, then your base URL is

  1. Insert the deep link immediately following "", starting with a slash.

For example, to add a deep link to the logged-in user's development plan, you would use:

  1. Insert the resulting URL as a hyperlink in the desired location.

Using URL Parameters

We can use query string parameters in the URL of some pages in the SuccessFactors application.


  1. Add a ?separator at the end of your URL to indicate the beginning of a query string.

  2. Add a supported URL parameter as a name-value pair.

For example:

  1. Multiple parameters should be separated by an ampersand (&).

For example:

List of SAP SuccessFactors Deep Links

The following table lists the deep links available in the SuccessFactors application and their supported URL parameters.

Solution Deep Link Description Parameters
Calibration /sf/calibrationsession Takes user to Calibration Session ·         sessionId=<value>
·         token=<value>
·         _s.crb=<value>
Compensation /sf/budgetassignment Takes user to Compensation/BudgetAssignment N/A
Compensation /sf/compforms Takes user to Compensation/Forms N/A
Compensation /sf/execreview Takes user to Compensation/ExecReview N/A
Development /sf/careerworksheet Takes user to CDP/CareerWorksheet selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Development sf/careerworksheet?currentrole=true Takes user to the current role in the Career Worksheet N/A
Development /sf/devplan Takes user to CDP/DevPlan selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Development /sf/mentoring Takes user to CDP/Mentoring N/A
Employee Central /sf/employeeupdate Takes user to Employee Central Update Employee Records page selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Employee Central /sf/employmentinfo Takes user to Employee Central Employment Info page selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Employee Central /sf/orgchart?type=position Takes user to the Position Org Chart selected_position=<position external code>
(selected_user will contain the person id of a user)
Employee Central /sf/personalInfo Takes user to Employee Central Personal Info page selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Employee Central /sf/employeeterminate Takes the user to the Employee Central Terminate/Retire page selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Employee Central /xi/ui/apprenticemanagement/pages/apprenticemanagement.xhtml Takes apprentice supervisor to Apprentice Management N/A
Employee Central /xi/ui/apprenticemanagement/pages/apprenticemanagementdepartment.xhtml Takes on-site supervisor to Apprentice Management N/A
Employee Central sf/timeoff Takes user to Time Off employee self-service page N/A
Employee Central sf/timeoffworkbench Takes user to Time Off Workbench (PP3) or Administer Time (v12). selected_user can be entered as a parameter. If it is not, the Workbench or Administer Time is opened for the logon user.
Employee Central sf/timeoffcalendars Takes user to Time Off change calendars. N/A
Learning /sf/learning Takes user to SuccessFactors LMS N/A
Onboarding /sf/onboarding Takes user to Onboarding Work Queue wq_userId = <value>
Onboarding /sf/onboarding/managerNHActivities Takes user to New Hire Activities newHireKmsUserId = <value>
Onboarding /xi/ui/onboarding/pages/info.xhtml Takes New Hire to ‘About Us’ (embedded sharepoint) page N/A
Performance and Goals /sf/goals/ Takes user to Goal management selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Performance and Goals /sf/pmreview/ Takes user to a specific PM Form ·         username=<value>
·         fid =<value>
The fid value is the fmid value that can be found in the URL of a specific form.
Performance and Goals /sf/openMyForm Take users to their own PM form fcid=<value>
Performance and Goals /sf/pmreviews/ Takes user to the performance tab to see all Performance Management review forms. username=<value>
Performance and Goals /sf/processforms/ Takes user to the process tab to see all process forms. N/A
Performance and Goals /xi/ui/pm2/pages/teamoverview/teamoverview.xhtml Takes user to Team Overview Page Manager’s username
Platform /sf/admin Takes user to the Admin Center N/A
Platform /sf/companyresources Takes user to CompanyInfo/Resources N/A
Platform /sf/directory Takes user to CompanyInfo/Directory N/A
Platform /sf/liveprofile Takes user to live profile page in employee files. selecteduser=<userid> (optional)
Platform /sf/options Takes user to the Options pages N/A
Platform /sf/orgchart Takes user to CompanyInfo/Orgchart N/A
Platform /sf/scorecard Takes user to the scorecard in employee files. V12 only. N/A
Platform /sf/smorgchart Takes user to the succession org chart. N/A
Platform /sf/start Takes user to his/her configured starting page (configured via the “Options | Start Page” page). N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers Takes user to Careers Landing page N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/empreferrals Takes user to Careers-Employee Referrals N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/jobalerts Takes user to Job Alerts N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/jobapplications Takes user to Job Applications N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/jobsearch Takes user to Job Search N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/jobsearch?reqid=<value> Takes user to Careers-Job Search-Job reqID reqid=<value>
Recruiting /sf/careers/mycandprofile Takes user to My Candidate Profile N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/savedapplications Takes user to Saved Applications N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/savedjobs Takes user to Saved Jobs N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting Takes user to Recruiting Landing Page N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/candidates Takes user to Candidates N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/candidates/savedsearches Takes user to Recruiting-Candidates-Saved Search N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/candidates/search Takes user to Recruiting-Candidates-Search N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/events Takes user to Events N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/events/new Takes user to Recruiting-Events-Create New N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/events/offerapprovals Takes user to Recruiting-Events-Offer Approvals N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/events/reports Takes user to Recruiting-Events-Reports N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/events?eventid =<value> Takes user to Recruiting-Events-Event ID eventid =<value>
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/interviewcentral Takes user to Interview Central N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/interviewcentral/open Takes user to Recruiting-Interview Central-Opened N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/jobreqsummary Takes user to Job Req Summary N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/jobreqsummary/new Takes user to Recruiting page to create a new Job Req-Create New N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/jobreqsummary/offerapprovals Takes user to Recruiting-Job Req-Offer Approvals N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/jobreqsummary/reports Takes user to Recruiting-Job Req-Reports N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/jobreqsummary?reqid =<value> Takes user to Recruiting-Job Req-Req Id reqid =<value>
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/preferences Takes user to Preferences N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/preferences/myrecteam Takes user to Recruiting-Preferences-TeamRec N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/preferences/mysavedques Takes user to Recruiting-Preferences-MySavedQues N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/preferences/mysavedratings Takes user to Recruiting-Preferences-MySavedRatingScales N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/recruitinghelp Takes user to Recruiting Help N/A
Recruiting /sf/recruiting/sources Takes user to Recruiting Sources N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/myinterviews Takes user to his/her interviews N/A
Recruiting /sf/careers/myoffers Takes user to his/her offers N/A
Succession /sf/howvswhatmatrixreport Takes user to How vs. What Matrix in Succession N/A
Succession /sf/lineagechart Takes user to Lineage Chart in Succession N/A
Succession /sf/pervspotmatrixreport Takes user to Performance vs. Potential matrix in Succession N/A
Succession /sf/posgrid Takes user to Opens Position Tile view (Succession) N/A
Succession /sf/smnomination Takes user to Succession Nomination form N/A
Succession /sf/smorgchart Takes user to Succession OrgChart for the selected user or position ·         selected_user=<userid>
·         selectedPositionId=<position id>
Succession /sf/talentsearch Takes user to Talent Search N/A
Succession /sf/talentpool Takes user to Talent Pool page in Succession N/A
Time sf/timeworkbench Takes user to Time Admin Workbench N/A

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