In this blog post, will show the steps how to Configure Advanced Condition to trigger Notification to a specific group( HR Team, Admin Team etc) to intimate about the New Hire to be onboarded in the Company.
Using this option we can restrict notification getting triggered to irrelevant user group and ensure confidentiality of onboarding data.
-> Onboarding Process is configured.
-> User or User Group to whom the notification to be triggered is configured.
Following the below steps in sequence will help in Configuring the Advanced Condition Rule.
- Access to Notification Section
- Onboarding Process for which Notification to be configured
- Create New Notification and assign the group to whom the notification to be triggered.
- Adding Notification Email Message
- Creating Advanced Condition
Step #1 – Able to access Notifications Section in Onboarding.
Path: Onboarding 1.0 Dashboard -> Notifications

Step #2 – Onboarding Process for which Notification to be configured.
Path: Onboarding 1.0 Dashboard -> Notifications -> All Notifications by Processes
Select the Onboarding process for which the notification has to be configured

Step #3 – Create New Notification.
Path: Onboarding 1.0 Dashboard -> Notifications
In this step New Notification is created for the onboarding process, assign the group who has to receive it.
a. Click on Create option as below.

b. After clicking Pop up window gets populated as below and maintain the details in "Main Properties" Tab
-> Process - Select the onboarding process for which the notification to be created
-> Type - Select from the predefined values as "Internal Resource" or "External Resource" to whom the notification to be triggered.
-> Name - Enter Notification Name
-> Subject - Enter the Subject for the Notification Email
-> Notify At - In which onboarding step the Notification has to be triggered
-> Due By - Select from pre-defined values when to trigger the notification
Tick the "Send Email" and "Enable Notification" option.
Finally click on Create button for the Notification to be Created and Enabled.

c. Go to Next Tab "Recipients" and maintain the details as below.
Also CC Recipient Type can be added to receive the email along with the group to whom the Notification will be triggered.
Finally click on Apply and update button to save the changes .

Step #4 – Adding Notification Email Message.
In this step the Email Content is added in the notification to be sent to respective group to take action if any or keep them posted.
a. Select the New Notification created and click on "Email" option as below.

b. After clicking Pop up window gets populated as below and maintain the Email Message in "Initial Email" Tab
Finally click on Apply and Submit button to save the changes.

Step #5 – Creating Advanced Condition.
In this step the logic is set in Advanced Condition, when to trigger the notification.
a. Select the New Notification created and click on "Advanced" option as below.

b. After clicking Pop up window gets populated as below and maintain the details to set the condition
-> Select Field - Choose the field based on which the condition has to be set
-> Operator - Select the drop down values to compare with the expected value
-> Condition Value - Maintain the value here to compare whether to trigger the Notification or not.
Radio Button "And" "OR" are used in case of multiple condition rule to be set.

c. Click on Add Button to set the Advanced Condition Rule.
Finally click on Apply and Submit button to save the changes.

I hope after reading this blog post, you will be able to configure Advanced Condition Rule in SuccessFactors Onboarding Module.
Benefits: Enabling Advanced Condition will ensure the Notification is triggered to relevant group or respective team to take appropriate action on timely basis and ensure the New Hire Onboarding is smooth.
Please provide your feedback in Comment Section and I will try to improve and incorporate your suggestions.
Please do follow the blog post and profile for more updates.
Other Blog Post:
You can visit my other blog posts related to Recruiting and Onboarding.
Report to fetch Documents uploaded in Onboarding 1.0 | SAP Blogs
Enable Apply with LinkedIn Feature for Candidate to submit Job Application | SAP Blogs
Enable Online Offer Feature for Candidate to Accept or Decline | SAP Blogs
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