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In this blog post you will learn how to maintain Employee First Name Middle Name and Last Name in Proper Case(SAP SucessFactor EC-Personal Data)

This is my first blog and I am writing this to explain how to default first name, middle name and last name in proper case. There is no standard function available as of now in SAP SuccessFactors. To achieve this a Business rule is required to be configured in the system.

Business Scenario: -

HR Team maintain Personal information of an employee at the time of Hiring or Data maintenance. Usually First Name/Middle Name/Last Name is stored in the system as it is entered. So, to make it proper case, it needs to be defaulted.



  1. Navigate to ‘Configure Business Rules’ in Admin Center.

  2. Create a new business rule with Base Object ‘Personal Information’


Business Rule:-

For instance, if names are maintained in below format: -



Now the First Name ,Middle Name and Last Name Saved in the SuccessFactor system in Proper Case will be visible as below screen:-


Thanks & Regards,

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