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Today, Position Management integrates to Recruiting Management through Requisitions however only field values captured on the Requisition can be mapped to Onboarding. Wouldn't it be nice if all we needed to map from REC to ONB was the Position ID and all other field values would default? This includes values on the requisition and values not on the requisition but on the Position MDF. Like in my previous blogs, Syncing your Onboarding Corporate Structure & Syncing your Onboarding Corporate Structure Relationships, using the integration center makes this is possible.

For example, you send Name, Position ID, and Email from Recruiting.Based on the Position ID, the position attributes are auto populated.The below example will walk you through the steps for syncing positions and position attributes to Onboarding.

Adding a New Corporate Structure Level and Level Properties

1. Go to Admin Center > Employee Files > Manage Position. Take note of all of the fields you want to sync.2. In ONB Super Admin, go to Corporate Structure and click Add Level under Tasks.
Add a level for Position3. Once the new level is created, click Level Properties under the See Also menu header on the left side.
4. Add a new property for each of the Position fields you want to sync.

**Make sure to check the checkbox next to Map to Key and enter a key. If you receive a message saying the key doesn’t exist in onboarding and asking if you want to continue and create the key, click OK. **
Creating the Integration Center Reports

1. Go to Admin Tools > Company Settings > Integration Center and select click My Integrations
2. Click the Create button and then select Scheduled Flat File Output Integration
3. Search for “Position” and select Position
4. Select Position Code (code) and Position Title (externalName_defaultValue)6. Uncheck Start Date
7. Select all of the position fields you are syncing to Onboarding
8. Click Select
9. Enter Integration Details

Integration Name: Onboarding Position Export
Output File Type: csv
Header Type: Simple

10. Click Next

11. Click Position Code and change the label to ClientID
12. Click Position Title and change the label to Name
13. Click Position Code and select Insert Field > Insert Fixed Value Field (You can create a calculated field to calculate count but for demo purposes, we will use a fixed value field)
Label: Count(User Sys ID)
Default Value: 5

14. Click OK

15. Repeat steps to create OrgLevel

Label: OrgLevel

Default Value: Your Position Level in Onboarding (In this demo, it’s 5)
16. Click OK

Your report should now look like this:17. Click Next
18. Expand the Advanced Filters section and click Browse
19. Search and select ‘Status (effectiveStatus) in Position’
20. Click Change Association to “Status”
21. Enter A in the Value field to only include Active Positions
22. Click Next
23. Enter Destination Settings

Enter SFTP Server Host Address, username, and password

File Name Prefix: <case sensitive Company ID>_Position_Sync

Date Suffix Format: yyyyMMdd

File Extension: csv
File Folder: /ONB/Inbound24. Click Save

Modify the Import Files

Location Import File

**Like in my previous 2 blogs, I am using the location import file to sync all levels of my corporate structure. It is very important that all of the field names match exactly or the sync will fail.**

1. In Super Admin, Go to Integration > Import/Export Settings
2. Under the Integration section, export the ImportLocation file.
3. Save a backup of the file
4. Update the xslt file to the following code and make sure to use the onboarding keys for the field names.

**The code below includes syncing Location and Position. You can add or remove levels from the ‘Otherwise’ section depending on how many levels you’re syncing. **5. Save as a new file
6. Return to Import/Export Settings in Super Admin and import the new location import file

Foundation Import File

1. In Super Admin, Go to Integration > Import/Export Settings
2. Under the Integration section, export the FoundationImport file.
3. Save a backup of the file
4. Update the location fields and add the section for position.

**Make sure to use the Onboarding keys for the field names. **
5. Save as a new file
6. Return to Import/Export Settings in Super Admin and import the new foundation import file

Foundation Import Field Mapping File

1. In Super Admin, Go to Integration > Import/Export Settings
2. Under the Integration section, export the FoundationImportFieldMapping file.
3. Save a backup of the file
4. Modify the fields under Location and add the Position section (The key is the Onboarding key and the value is the header from the sync file)

5. Save as a new file
6. Return to Import/Export Settings in Super Admin and import the new foundation import field mapping file

Run the Integration Center Reports

1. In Provisioning, go to Manage Scheduled Jobs
2. Find your Position Sync Report and select Run Now from the Actions drop down

Check Import Status in Onboarding Audit Report

1. Once your report has been picked up from the ftp site, the file should no longer be listed in the inbound folder.
2. Other than checking your corporate structure, you can determine the status of the import by going to Onboarding > Settings > Audit Report
3. Select the blank option from the Type dropdown, enter INTEGRATION in the Event Code textbox and click filter
4. Find the import file and see if it is complete

Once your report runs successfully and is processed by Onboarding, your corporate structure will be available in Onboarding.

By syncing position to Onboarding, it reduces the number of fields you have to sync from recruiting, the number of fields you have to update manually, and the time spent on manually maintaining your corporate structure.
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