Here are my SuccessFactors LMS configuration tips:
Order of implementation activities - if you are unsure about the order of implementation activities there is an order outlined near the beginning of the LMS workbook.The LMS workbook can be downloaded
here if you have access to Partner Edge.
Enable email archiving - you may not need it now but it may come in handy later when you want to know what emails were sent out the day before. This is done in System Admin> Configuration> Global Variables> Mail> Enable Email Archiving.
Enable archiving of connector files - in order to see past connector files it is worth enabling connector archiving. You can do this by going to System Admin> Configuration> Connector Settings and tick 'Enable input file archive' and determine how many months you would like to archive connector files for.
Remove John Smith - in some instances the admin may receive an e-mail every day that the e-mail to John Smith ( can't be delivered to sender. To remove this e-mail address from the system, navigate to System Admin > Configuration > CONNECTORS. Search for the following configuration: Remove the e-mail address and click apply changes.
If you want to change the
frequency of the learning expiration notification make sure you click 'propagate settings to all active items' or the setting will not apply to items you have already created only future items.
Add document types such as docx - go to System Admin> Configuration> System Configuration. Go to attachment and add the document types you would like to be able to attach in LMS.
Here is a list of all the document types available.
Test notifications thoroughly in your test environment - they are very fiddly. Be sure to test notifications in your test environment before making changes in production. Notifications are configured in System Admin> Configuration> Notification Templates.
What are your SuccessFactors LMS configuration tips?