In this blog, I will introduce Qualtrics Survey integration process in particular. SuccessFactors provides a lifecycle scenario for employees as well as candidates. It can easily triggers to Qualtrics Surveys depends on the suitable business scenarios and it sends survey to our New Employee at first day of our company or you can define the taking of survey delivered timeline.
Our integration scenario is covering the new hire survey process in this blog. But once I will define each steps what need to be completed before trigger Survey from SuccessFactors side.
First of all, We need to enable Qualtrics features from Provisioning suite and need to define exact Qualtrics Url for your Company's.
Secondly, you need to upgrade Qualtrics Feature in Upgrade Center.
SuccessFactors side configuration
Enable Qualtrics Feature in Upgrade Center
Then, you need to give proper permission for admin user in order to define Qualtrics integration processes in SuccessFactors Suite. I am listing each exact permissions below.
- Access Qualtrics İntegration
- Show Qualtrics in Main Navigation Menu
- Under Miscellaneous Permission "QualtricsEmailSurveyData" and "QualtricsProjectAndSiteData" to be given as view/edit, export and import.
Permission for SuccessFactors Admin Users
Permission for SuccessFactors Admin Users
In addition of them, admin users have to take permission for " Access to non-secured objects" because of one Qualtrics related object defined as non-secured object in standard that's why admin users have to get this permission as well.
Now, we are jumping to Qualtrics Platform and see exact actions below.
Firstly, we need to go "Account Settings" ->"Qualtrics IDs"->"OAuth Client Manager" in order to create Client User and link SuccessFactors together.
Qualtrics side configuration
Qualtrics Client Creation
Then, system provides "Client Id" and "Client Secret" to you. Don't forget to note both of them because we will use them in SuccessFactors side.
After that, we are jumping to SuccessFactors side and to go Security Center and create OAuth configuration for Qualtrics.
SuccessFactors side Configuration
OAuth Configuration in SuccessFactors
- Define your Configuration Name
- OAuth Type is "OAuth 2.0"
- Grant Type is "Client_Crendentials"
- "Client Id" and "Client Secret" were given by Qualtrics Platform in OAuth Client Manager.
- "Token Url must starts with your Qualtrics server Id ( Don't forget to add "scope=manage:all" code end of the Token Url.
Now, we linked Qualtrics Client user in SuccessFactors suite.
Another step is to go "Manage Qualtrics Integration" from Admin Center and define your actual process into SuccessFactors system. In this page, You will see two section which are "In-app Surveys" and "Email Surveys". In this blog, we will focus on "Email Surveys" .
SuccessFactors side configuration
Create Qualtrics Integration Scenario
You need to fill all mandatory fields above.
- Given Random for Integration Name field
- Select suitable Product Area for your process.
- Select Event Name is which action will trigger your Survey.
- OAuth Configuration will be selected depends on our previous step configuration.
- Rule configuration is significant because we can define our process how it will be working on so, we can give details in Business Rule at Intelligence Service Center.
- Project Id will be taken easily under "Account Settings" ->"Qualtrics IDs"->"IDs" page will give you actual project Id.
Then, we can go to "Business Scenario" in SuccessFactors platform and in this page, you see standard SuccessFactors - Qualtrics integration scenarios.
SuccessFactors side configuration
Business Scenarios
First of all, enable scenario for related process and edit it.
Unique Identifier must be mapped your SuccessFactors user Id in our case. We mapped User Id to Unique Identifier. The critical point of our configuration is that you have to fix Rest API URL like in "Destination Settings".TheRest API URL has to be defined same in our OAuth configuration token URL without including details.You can compare both screenshot which is also added as in"OAuth Configuration in SuccessFactors".
SuccessFactors side configuration
Edit Rest API URL
Finally, you can run it and prepare your actual scenario in SuccessFactors side and see it how employee can get Survey from Qualtrics side.
Pre-requisite of this integration is Employee Directory has to be implemented first then you can integrate SuccessFactors Surveys together. Once the Qualtrics understand Unique Identifier of Participant must be defined as an Employee in Employee Directory.
I hope that this blog would be help you.
Please share your feedbacks
Tuna Sismanyazici