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Hi there,

Second half 2022 release is here!

This blog highlights key enhancements to SuccessFactors Onboarding. My other blogs on EC, RCM & LMS are already live, and you can go thru the below links:

To celebrate this most recent release, here’s SuccessFactors Onboarding look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since last time.

  1. Enhancements to Onboarding Dashboard (New): The new Onboarding Dashboard has been enhanced with new UI elements helping with the onboarding tasks.

These enhancements are as follows:

  • Ability to view contact details of new hires and hiring managers by selecting the card next to their names.

  • Ability to scan your tasks for new hires and take actions directly from the Onboarding Dashboard(New). If there are pending tasks in a task category assigned to you, a notification badge on the status button lets you know how many tasks you have for this new hire.

  • Status of onboarding tasks are buttons now that can be used to start tasks assigned to you. In the Complete My Tasks popup, choosing each task takes you to the corresponding task details page to complete the task.

  • The View Details button in each row on the Onboarding Dashboard (New) is replaced with arrow button for navigation to the task details page.


  • Configuration Type: Universal


  1. Onboarding Pages Support OnInit Rules: You can now apply onInit rules to Onboarding pages including New Hire Data Review, Personal Data Collection, and Rehire Data Review. The best thing is now you can also apply onInit rules on the Provide Additional Data page when the onboarding process is initiated from the Add New Hire to Onboarding page. You have turned on the switch in Onboarding General Settings > Business Rules Settings > Allow onInit Rules for Onboarding Pages.


  • Configuration Type: Admin Opt-in

  • Customer Community Idea

Note: Rule context isn't supported for onInit rules. So, all existing onInit rules will take effect on Onboarding pages only after the switch is turned on


  1. Rehire with Old Employment from Onboarding Available in the Manage Pending Hires Tool: You can now rehire a candidate using details of their previous employment in your organization when processing pending hires coming from Onboarding in the Manage Pending Hires tool.

  • Configuration Type: Admin Opt-in 

Note: The Rehire Inactive Employee (by ‘match’ in New Hire) permission allows you to view the details of former employees who are potential matches for rehire based on their old employment. Ensure that you provide this permission only to admins.

  1. Enhancements to Onboarding Responsible Groups: SAP took the customers feedback yet again, enhanced the UIs of Onboarding General Settings and increased the limit of users in a responsible group.

List of enhancements made:

  • When more than 10 groups are created, exceeded groups are hidden in the more option and you can choose to display all groups.

  • Ability to search responsible groups by ID or name and sort responsible groups by name.

  • Ability to add up to 200 people from roles, static users, and dynamic groups in one responsible group. 

  • Configuration Type: Universal

  • Customer Community Idea

 Note: The limit still remains at 20 people for the responsible groups assigned to Form I-9 signature task and E-Verify task and If the selection criteria contain more than 200 people, only the first 200 are added as responsible users. These 200 people are fetched in the order in which they’re added.


  1. Enhanced Welcome Email Notification: The welcome email notification now is sent to new hires if the onboarding process is restarted before the New Hire Data review step. Cheers! Customers have been waiting for this since the inception of new production. If the Onboarding process is restarted after Onboarding initiation and before the New Hire Data review step, then the welcome email notification is sent to new hires after completing the New Hire Data review step. In the previous version, the welcome email notification wasn’t sent to new hires when the process was restarted before the New Hire Data review step

  • Welcome email notification is sent automatically only for the default process variant, Welcome Email ((ONB) External User Welcome Message Trigger. For customized process variant, you must configure the change by choosing Save and Validate and then choose Activate.

  • This change is applicable only for the new onboarding process initiations.

  • Remember to update updated the custom process variant in Process Variant Manager

  • Configuration Type: Universal

  • Customer Community Idea


  1. Enhancements to Cancel Onboarding Process: The error message that appears while cancelling the request for a new hire now shows details about the mandatory fields that can’t be blank. You no longer require Employee Central Foundation OData API (read-only and editable), and Employee Central HRIS OData API (read-only and editable) role-based permissions to cancel an onboarding process for a new hire or to trigger no-show for a new hire.

This enhancement improve usability and protects sensitive information of employees across the organization

  • Configuration Type: Universal


  1. Rehire with Old Employment Now Generally Available: The Early Adopter Care program, Rehire with Old Employment is now generally available to all customers. In addition to using SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting, you can use your external Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or follow the manual process to onboard employees based on their old employment information.

Rehiring former employees based on their previous employment allows customized hiring processes, such as seasonal hiring. This also ensures continuity of employment and training records from the previous employment. 

  • Configuration Type: Admin Opt-in


Note: The Rehire Inactive Employee permission is no longer effective. This is applicable even if you had used this permission to enable Rehire with Old Employment during the Early Adopter Care program.


  1. S. Form I-9 and E-Verify Enhancements: The user experience for the U.S. Form I-9 and E-Verify has been the top notch. SAP added new preconfigured email templates, validation messages, and home page tasks to enhance the experience. Below is the list of updates for the form I-9 and E-Verify:

  • Alien authorized to work until (expiration date) has been revamped so it would be printed on the U.S. Form I-9 Section 1 PDF only for Aliens authorized to work and will not be printed for Lawful Permanent Residents requiring reverification. For Lawful Permanent Residents requiring reverification, the reverification process is now triggered based on the expiration date of the documents referenced in Section 2. SAP made this change because the Alien authorized to work until (expiration date) is a required field on the Form I-9 Section 1, it is not explicitly mentioned as a required field for Lawful Permanent Residents requiring reverification in the Section 1 instructions.

  • Ability to cancel the U.S. Form I-9 process from Employee Central or Manage Data when employment is terminated. Team SAP added preconfigured email notification templates for the hiring manager and responsible group to alert them when Onboarding is cancelled.

  • Form I-9 Section 1 verification step has been updated so that it now includes the complete phone number (including area code) collected in the personal data collection step. If the format is incorrect, in addition, SAP added a validation message that prompts the new hires to enter their phone number in the correct format.

  • SAP added validation messages that prompt the new hires to remove symbols (list of symbols) from the Form I-9 Section 1 First Name, Last Name, and Middle Name fields.

  • SAP added the Complete Form I-9 Section 1 Awaiting SSN task to the latest home page. This task is triggered when the new hires complete the U.S. Form I-9, but doesn’t provide a Social Security Number (SSN).

  • SAP team also added the new Complete Form I-9 Section 1 Awaiting SSN preconfigured email notification template to notify new hires to add their Social Security Number (SSN) to the U.S. Form I-9 when they receive their SSN number.

  • There is an improvement to the email notifications so the hiring manager can now use a link in the email notification to complete the Form I-9 Section 2.

The updates to E-Verify for Onboarding include:

  • SAP brings new hire's employment eligibility status to the E-Verify case closure message.

  • Availability of a new validation message that appears when the Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify Web site is down. The message prompts hiring managers to submit the new hire's E-Verify case at a later time.

  • Ability to refresh the Onboarding dashboard that allows hiring managers to refresh the E-Verify case status for cases with a Manual Review, Queued, and Referred statuses.

  • Improvement to the error messages for E-Verify case submission, so they now provide a detailed description of the error and instruct the hiring manager on how to resolve the case error.

  • New error message has been added that advises the hiring manager when there is a Department of Homeland Security connectivity error.


Since the launch of new onboarding, this has been the best upgrade for the new tool. Still, this is just my favorite list of changes from the latest release, not to forget to check out the "What's New Viewer" to go thru the detailed release summary across application.

See you soon with a new blog!
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