Hi Recruiting Management customers and colleagues, as we all know H1 2022 Release is a hot topic at the moment, and as for every release, it comes with new exciting features.
In this blog, rather than mentioning an enhancement I would like to talk about a very important deprecation that will take place between H1 2022 and H2 2022.
The Offer Letter's basic password authentication will be deprecated and replaced by an OAuth-based authentication.
Currently, when triggering an Offer Letter within a Recruiting process integrated with DocuSign, the DocuSign integration uses a username and password authentication process. Migrating to an OAuth-based authentication will provide an increased measure of Security.
From an Administrator perspective, the current settings that provide the electronic signature functionality in RCM offer letters are being replaced with new fields due to DocuSign changing its authentication method from basic to OAuth 2.0. We will see these changes later on this blog.
From an end-user perspective, the impact will be almost null and at the end of the process, there will be no real difference introduced.
Recruiting customers using basic authentication for DocuSign will have to update their configuration settings by 4th October 2022.
SAP will end any Development and Maintenance activities on 20th May 2022, but customers will have until October 2022 to migrate to the new authentication method.
It is strongly recommended to perform this one-time action as soon as possible in order to facilitate the transition as effortlessly and smoothly as possible.
Different actions will need to be performed by Recruiting Administrators and Recruiting Users:
Recruiting Administrators
1. Navigate to Manage Recruiting Settings and scroll down to the Offer Letter section.
Note: Until October 2022, you still have access to and can change the values in the
Legacy eSignature Fields section, even though it is recommended to migrate to the new authentication method earlier.
2. On the same screen, click "Grant Access" to grant permission for SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting to access Docusign on behalf of your account.
3. Click "Fetch DocuSign User ID and API Account ID" or manually enter the DocuSign User ID and DocuSign API Account ID to enable this new authentication.
Please note that new customers who have never leveraged the DocuSign functionality will not be able to see the "Fetch DocuSign User ID and API Account ID" link and will need to input the credentials manually.
Note: in case the "Fetch DocuSign User ID and API Account ID" is not able to retrieve your DocuSign information, please Log in to DocuSign and go to your My Apps & Keys page to copy your User ID and API Account ID information, then paste them here.
4. Log in and accept the DocuSign Consent Agreement
Recruiting Users
As soon as the migration will be performed by the Administrator, all Recruiting users must accept the DocuSign consent again before being able to initiate their offer letter via eSignature.
Note: This is also a one-time task to be performed, but please note that this needs to be done by each individual Recruiting user working with DocuSign.
More information
Please refer to the following articles to learn more:
In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of performing these mandatory migrations as soon as possible in order to avoid rushing into any last-minute activities and ensure timed and clear communication internally within your organisations.
I hope you found this blog useful, happy to answer any questions you might have on this topic or the other topics treated in my other blogs.
Enjoy H1 2022!