Since support is discontinued for the HRIS-based Direct Deposit / old payment information (handled by the HRIS elements directDeposit and paymentInfo) customers are recommended to migrate to the new MDF-based Payment Information.
For all new Employee Central customers since release b1508, new Payment Information is automatically enabled in Provisioning and the customers need to just configure the portlet in the front-end. However, the existing Employee Central customers still running the HRIS-based Direct Deposit need to complete the migration before enabling the new Payment Information portlet.
Migration procedure:
The following is the sequence to migrate the legacy direct deposit data via Upgrade Center.
- Make sure the following Direct Deposit setting is selected in Provisioning before you start the migration.
Enable this feature to enable upgrade center feature for migration of payment information (Direct Deposit).
- Switch off “Enable Bank Account Validations” and “Enable Payment Information Validation” checkboxes in the Admin Center > Company System and Logo Settings.
- Make sure there is only one Bank Transfer as the Payment method. To perform this check, navigate to Manage Data in the Admin Center. Enter Payment Method in the first dropdown and review the data available in the second dropdown. If there are no Payment methods available, please create them. If there is data available, make sure there is only one Payment Method of type Bank Transfer.
- Once these checks are completed, navigate to Admin Center > Upgrade Center and upgrade the “Payment Information Migration”.
- Navigate to Admin Center > Monitor Job to check the migration job result. If you see the result “Payment information migrated successfully” we can proceed to the next step.
If not all the data has been migrated, the migration status report informs which user data is migrated successfully and which user ids had encountered errors. If this is the case, please correct the data and retry the upgrade until all the user data is successfully migrated.
Here are a few common error messages you might see in the migration job result.
- Please deselect the Enable Enhanced Direct Deposit Validations checkbox.
- Please deselect the Enable Bank Account Validations checkbox.
- Please maintain external codes (P,B,E) for the picklist “processType”. Make sure that you have and only have the external codes (P,B,E) for this picklist.
- User has no job information. Please maintain job information for the user.
Solution: Remove any existing Payment Information for the UserID in the error.
5. User has no record with the deposit type Balance. Please maintain the deposit type Balance for the user.
Solution: For these users there is an existing direct deposit record, but there is no record where Deposit Type is Balance. If there is any record in Direct Deposit there must be at least one Balance record. Either delete the existing Direct Deposit record or add a new record where Deposit Type = Balance for the UserID in the error.
6. Amount/Percent field has value but deposit type is Balance. Please correct the data.
Solution: Because the deposit type Balance is equivalent to Main Payment method, it shouldn’t have Amount/Percent values. Delete the value in the Amount/Percent field from Direct Deposit information of the UserID in the error.
- Once the data is migrated is successfully completed, Payment Information Migration upgrade is no longer displayed in the Upgrade Center.
- Enable the following provisioning setting: Enable new Payment Information (MDF-based, effective-dated, and employment-specific). This step automatically disables the HRIS elements directDeposit and paymentInfo and activates the payment information relevant MDF objects.
Go to Admin Center > Configure Object Definitions. You will see new objects such as Payment Method, Payment Information, Payment Information Detail, country specific Payment Information Detail objects and so on.
- Make sure that the Direct Deposit setting (refer to Step 1) is deselected in Provisioning.
Note: The Upgrade Center’s Payment Information Migration upgrade works only if your instance is on Oracle. If your instance is migrated to HANA, the upgrade center feature doesn’t work in this case. Please migrate the data manually using export/import data function.
Setting up the Payment Information:
Once the migration is successfully completed, you can proceed with setting up the
- Role-Based Permissions for the newly activated Payment Information relevant MDF objects.
- Payment Methods such as Bank Transfer, Check, Cash etc.
- Configuration UI. You can start with importing the standard configuration UI from Success Store. Then, you can customize it according to the requirements in the Manage Configuration UI.
Importing the standard configuration UI also imports the pre-delivered UI rules. You can use these rules as delivered or modify them to suit your needs or create new custom UI rules.This is done in the Manage UI Rules option in the Manage Configuration UI tool.

Note: It’s recommended to set the visibility of Job country field (field in the Payment Information object) to Read-Only and display it to the users. Job country field value gets automatically set based on the country field in the Job Information portlet of a user.
4. The next important step is to specify the configuration UI that is to display in the new Payment Information portlet. The config UI Id set up in the previous step is to be specified in the Manage Data > Personal Information Screen Lookup. This determines the UI displayed for the new Payment Information portlet on the Personal Information page.
5. Most of the customers want to perform validations on the Payment Information data they collect from the employees. This is achieved using the Business Rules either standard or custom ones.
6. SAP provides an updated set of business rules and associated warning/error messages for Payment Information. The standard rules are uploaded from the Success Store and can be modified as per the needs. Once the business rules are finalized, they are assigned to the Payment Objects such as Payment Information, Payment Information Detail etc.
Note: If you would like to adjust a business rule, it’s recommended that you create a copy of the imported rule first. Adjust this copy as required. Keep the imported rule as is. Otherwise, a reimport of the rule with a new version would overwrite your own rule adjustments.
Here are some custom business rules & UI rules built on the
Payment Information and
Payment Information Detail objects.
- To check the maximum number of bank account details that can be entered.
Base Object: Payment InformationRule Trigger: Save Rules
- To auto-populate details for the Main Payment Method (the very 1st Payment detail)
Base Object: Payment InformationRule Trigger: on Change of jobCountry field in the Payment Information object
- To check for the non-numeric characters in the Account Number
Base Object: Payment Information DetailRule Trigger: on Change of accountNumber field or Save Rules
- To check for the values in Amount and Percent fields for Additional Payment Method
Base Object: Payment Information DetailRule Trigger: Save Rules5. To hide Amount and Percent fields for Main Payment Method. This is a UI rule set in Manage Configuration UI > Manage UI Rules
6. To check for the Routing Number requirement for different countries. This is a UI rule set in Manage Configuration UI > Manage UI Rules
While writing the rules in EC Payment Information, you will have to distinguish between Business rules and UI rules.
UI rules are used for dynamically hiding or displaying fields, making fields read-only or editable, making fields required or optional based on a certain condition. UI rules are NOT used to auto-populate values in the fields. UI rules are configured in Manage Configuration UI > Manage UI Rules.
Whereas, the Business rules are used for setting values in the fields, deleting values from the fields based on a certain condition. These are built in Admin Center > Configure Business Rules.
I hope this blog is helpful!!