SuccessFactors provides very useful tool called `Manage Language` if you want to replace a label in a specific field that is not available in Text Replacement functionality.
This is an example from EC TimeOff.SuccessFactors has a standard label
for negative accrual balance and it shows when you do termination action.
How to change the label from
PTO Recorvery.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Here is the simple step by step guide how to do it:
1.Go to Admin Center -> Tool Search -> Manage Language
2.Under the Action column click the icon whatever the language pack you`ve chosen.
3. Select Add Custom Locale and enter a name example: custom label en_US. Custom language will be appeared.
4. You will be able to Download/Upload custom language by the icon on Action Column.
Here is your target .CSV file that you need to create before uploading the file.
5.Important step is to find the Key for the field that you want to replace its label.
In order to do that you need to download original language pack and find the field.
Go now and click action icon for the original language and select
Download default labels
Open the file and search the label that you want to change.
You will find the key for the field. Copy and Paste in to your custom CSV file.
Save the file. And you are ready to upload in to custom language pack that you created before.
6. Select Action -> Upload Custom Labels. You should get a message for successful upload.
7. Now you can check the field:
Conclusion: SuccessFactors EC is very flexible to adapt your own company terminology. I provided a very simple however important change that any company can ask from you.
This simple update can be also used for other languages and translations.
Please feel free to ask any questions that needs to be covered in this blog and I can do my best!