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Now, Learning Administration UI is more innovative and user friendly. Learning Administration UI is the most impactful in LMS.This UI is redesigned to enhance the user experience with change in terminology & labels, streamline navigation with multiple menu’s and tabs etc. The new HTML-based Learning Administration interface will become the default interface. The legacy flash-based interface will no longer be available in Preview and Production environments in 2H 2020.I ‘m really excited to work on this new UI and I ‘m sure users can also easily adapt to this new UI changes.

LMS administration UI is universal and will be available via Learning Administration tile to all administrators but the user needs to have “Learning Administration Access Permissions” required to access this UI without any configuration.

New Learning Administrator UI features:

How to enable to Learning Administration UI in LMS?

You can access the Flash-based UI through Admin Tools> Learning administration link and access to new UI will be available through a new tile on the platform home page the one on the Welcome page as shown below.


  • All the tabs are now organized in a tree structure with a navigation pane on the left side.

  • Labels and sub menus have been updated to be more user friendly than compared to old UI e.g. catalog is changed to Library and Schedule offering to Class.

  • There is a terminology change of major Learning Administration terms to bring more clarity and consistency for admins.

  • We can search the menu by selecting CTR L+F after expanding.

  • There is a DEFAULT_LEARNING_ADMINISTRATION_INTRO available by navigating System Administration>Application Administration. The new default intro panel contains an image and a message to the administrator in a new label ID ADMIN_HOME.Welcome Message.

  • This new UI puts most commonly used tools all under “Manage User’s Learning but previously, these tools were spread over multiple menu items.

  • The header can now be collapsed and expanded the option is available on the upper right corner with the arrows showing upwards and downwards.

  • Within an entity, related data displays on horizontal tabs. Within some tabs, data displays in tables. The tables use a consistent layout, with ID as the first column on the left side. Data can be sorted and, depending on the entity, additional functions can be performed (such as editing, grouping, and changing prices). This consistency reduces ramp-up time for new administrators.

  • There are different functions available in new UI Dollar, Add, Copy, Edit, Pencil, Navigate, Sort, Delete, Scrolling and Grouping Icon etc.

  • The Add, Edit and Remove functions will be available to admins based on the permissions. If the admin has only view permissions, then only Sort and Grouping functions will be available.

  • Improved Display of a User's Assigned Items and Completed Items.

  • New Filters for Assigned Items.


  • Power search has been disabled in new UI.

  • Some terminology does impact the user side.

  • Organization dashboard impact on user side, removed functionality from Plateau will be removed 2H 2020 Release.

  • Item classification is not defined for creating an item like in old UI

  • Welcome to SuccessFactors Administration video/tutorial and the Home page quicklinks has been removed.

I hope my blog post was helpful to all the LMS users.I will soon come back with more updates on New Learning Administration UI after production release on June 5th to Nov 15th with (Part II).

Stay healthy and safe?
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