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Customers often want to know how the configuration transition across landscape takes place in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. Instance sync is used to transition configurations from one instance to another, if your system landscape includes DEV, TEST & PRODUCTION Jobs will be initiated in DEV & TEST will become the target of sync jobs started in Dev. In Test you will initiate the Jobs & PROD will become the target of sync jobs initiated in TEST.

Instance sync uses the PUSH mechanism to transition the configuration from one instance to another. PUSH mechanism means that the necessary configurations are selectively pushed from source instance to target instance.

Step 1 -  The first step for instance sync to work is to set up the pairing done between the source system to the target system. To do the Pairing logon to Provisioning -> Company Settings -> Instance synchronization Company Permissions -> 'Configure Instance in different Data Center' or 'Configure Instance in the same Data Center' section.


If the data center is same for source & target instance Select “Configure instance in the same data center” else select the “configure instance in different data Center”. Make the following entries and save. Once the pairing done, you are ready to synchronize configurations.


Step 2 -  To synchronize now Log on to Source instance --> Action tool bar --> Instance synchronization wizard

  1. Enter Data center

  2. Select the target environment

  3. Enter the target instance ID and hit Go.

Step 3 - Next screen will open the Artifacts that can be synched. At 1808 Following Artifacts can be synched –

Home Page Configuration Settings
PM Templates
Families and Roles
Route Maps
Rating Scales
Form Label Translations
Dashboard Settings
System Properties
RBP Permission Roles and Groups
Foundation Objects
MDF Data
MDF Picklist
MDF Object Definition
MDF Config UI
Data Model

Select the Artifact that need to be synched. Here in this case I am selecting MDF Object definition

Once selected  hit START

Enter the following details. Click Next.


Step 4 -  Now select the MDF object you want to sync click Next --> Simulate --> Run if successful, else troubleshoot the error and run the sync again.

Order of synchronization -

For Employee Central objects, we can follow the below approach / Order of synchronization. It mostly depends on your configuration and may vary from customer to customer. If you have configured custom MDF Objects & referred them in Data Models, then below order can be followed. Below order was successful with core employee central and Time off with LOA only solution.


  1. Custom MDF

  2. Data Models

  3. Picklists legacy / MDF

  4. Workflow groups / Dynamic Role

  5. Event & workflow

  6. Business Rules

  7. Time types / Time profiles

  8. RBP Roles

  9. RBP Groups

  10. Home Page

Some of these Artifacts are data dependent & would be  synched once the data is loaded in the system such as RBP Groups. Once the configurations are in the system you are ready to upload data.

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