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This blog post is to explain on how to use integration center for position data migration,most of us might be using "Import and Export Data" for data migration, in this blog i am going to explain on how data migration can be done using Integration Center by having file in SFTP, customers may not be comfortable in uploading the file from local system for data migration due to security reasons, this will help to overcome these issues.

What is Integration Center

The Integration Center enables HR business analysts to build, run, schedule, and monitor simple integrations. It simplifies the most common export and import use cases. You can build integrations quickly and easily through a guided workflow. Predefined templates are available and you can also create your own templates.
Integration Center supports both file and Web Service based outbound integrations. For file based integrations, Integration Center supports CSV, TXT, XML, and EDI/Stacked formats. For Web Service based outbound integrations, Integration Center supports SOAP and REST outbound integrations. Additionally, Integration Center supports CSV based inbound integrations

Before starting the configuration, make sure you have the basic knowledge on Integration Center

Integration Center - User Assistance Documentation

Configuration Steps

Step 1

Please make sure the fields visibility is editable, only editable fields can be migrated by using Integration Centre

If you have created any custom field, make sure to do OData API Metadata Refresh, please refer the below link on documentation

OData API Metadata Refresh and Export

Step 2

Please access Integration Center --> My Integrations --> Create --> More Integration Types

Step 3

Please select the below

Trigger Type:  Scheduled (Not necessary that we need to schedule the job, will be seen in the coming steps)

Source Type: SFTP (We are querying the file from SFTP location)

Destination Type: SuccessFactors (We are pushing the records to SuccessFactors)

Format: CSV (Import file format)

Step 4

Please search the entity type as position and select the entity and proceed to next step

Step 5

Please provide Integration name and description and proceed to next steps

Step 6

Please upload the CSV import file with the fields captured which needs to be imported to position object, all the required fields needs to be available as part of this file

Step 7

Please select "Switch to Field Mapping View" (Which has been highlighted in the screenshot", now you will be able to see 3 sections which has been explained below.

Source Fields (Drag and Drop to associate with destination fields): These section will get updated based on the fields which we updated through sample CSV file in the previous step

Destination Fields: This will be from the position object, all the fields which are saved as editable in position object will get displayed here

Preview: This will show the coding values once we make the mapping.

Now we need to map the source fields to destination fields, select the field from source field and drag and drop to the correct destination field, Ex please drag position number field from source and drop it to code from destination field, similarly map all the respective fields, make sure to map all the required fields are mapped.

Based on your requirement you can choose the operation and purge type

Once all the mappings are done, please select next to contiue to next screen

Step 8

In this section, we need to provide the details of SFTP where Integration Center will go and look for a import file, there few fields needs to be filled, details are mentioned as below

SFTP Server Host Address: SFTP server address, please check with your client for this information

SFTP User Name: User name details for Integration Center to login

SFTP Password: Password for the login

Authentication Key: If required

File Name Prefix: import file name

Date Suffix Format: If any dates are suffixed with the file name, then please select else please leave it blank

File Extension: This should be CSV file

File Folder: Import file location from the SFTP server

Processing Folder: Once the file has been processed, where the file needs to moved.

Once the details are filled in please proceed to next steps.

Step 9

Based on your requirement, you can schedule this job like daily, monthly, i have selected daily as an example, please fill the below details

Start Time: Please provide the date from when this job needs to run and time for daily occurance

Ending On: Please provide the date when you need to stop the job to run

E-Mail to: If you want to send any notification on the status of the job (like start and end)

If you don't want to schedule the job, as we are going to do the data migration whenever we need, then you can choose as "Suspended/Not Scheduled".

Once these information's are updated, please proceed to next step

Step 10

This will be the last step, here you can run the integration and check the status in last run time

Points to remember

  • Date format needs to be updated as per API dictionary format, to check the format of the date field in your object, please refer the link Date Format

  • Please make sure to map all the required fields

  • Test the integration with minimal number and ensure all the relevant fields are mapped before go with the full

  • Make sure file path is correct

How to check the status and download the logs

Please click on last run time to get the logs

You will be able to view the log and download from the screenshot below

To Conclude, Integration Centre can offer more which will match our requirements, this is the safe and quickest way to migrate data from SFTP, this will help to resolve the queries from customer on data security, same way can be used to migrate other objects as well like foundation, employee data.

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