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In this scenario the client has a MDF object where allocates attachments. After some years the Client requires to download all this attachments. Additionally requires downloading with a specific label for the file. For example, if the MDF object allocates medical certificates, the client wants a file labeled  with the username + medical certificate + year uploaded.



First: It's very important to first check the API Visibility for the MDF object, that must be set on "Editable". 


To proceed to download the desired documents, access “Integration Center” –>“My integrations”. Create a new integration by choosing the “More integration types” option.


On the pop-up screen, the settings should show as follows:


A new screen will present with all the API visible objects. At this point look for the MDF object that contains the attachments.


On the next screens upper menu will be fill in the necessary fields to complete the integration. First of all, fill the "Options" where is possible to give a name and add a description. Once all this info is filled click on "Next".


In the next section "Configure Fields" we must configure:

  • "Associate content" that refers to the field where the file is hosted
  • "Associate Content type" that refers to the field where the file extension is hosted (pdf, jpg..)


By clicking on "Associate Content" marked with 1 in the picture above the "Entity Tree View" pop-up window will appear. Select  the field "cust_AttachmentNav" and then "fileContent". Then click on "change Association to "fileContent".



It's time to select the "Associate Content Type" field marked with the number 2 in red in the "Configure Fields" screen.

In "Entity Tree View" select "cust_AttachmentNav" and then "mimeType". Then click on "change Association to "mimeType".


If everything has been set properly you may see a preview of the file if the file is PDF, DOC, or any common file type. 


Once checked that the document is presented correctly, it's time to log in to the SFTP where our document download is going to be hosted.

FrancoTornaghi1_10-1711364689434.pngCreate a folder where our files will be downloaded. 

*It is VERY IMPORTANT that the name of the folder does NOT have spaces, if separated words is desired I suggest you to use "_".

Destination Settings

Go back to the integration center and let's configure the "Destination Settings" section. Select "Single Destination" and set it up as follows:

  • -SFTP Server Host Adsress whitout the  “https://”.
  • -Authentication Type: for the Successfactors SFTP select "Basic Authentication".
  • -SFTP User Name: SFTP user.
  • -SFTP Password : the password for the SFTP.


Calculated file Name

This is a critical step and mandatory to make this integration work. 

Click on the calculator icon and then define a name through the concatenate function. 

It's very important that once you have created the file label to concatenate a dot "." and the file extension that can be found through the following entity navigation.


Finally, save and is time to run. 

Final results

If the integration result is satisfactory, you will be able to access the SFTP and into "My files"  to find the created folder.


Hope this blog helps!









1 Comment
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Thank you for the detailed steps with screen shots. a few queries from my end

- it is possible to download for specific employees instead of the whole extract?

- is the user id part of the file name?

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