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How to Convert Single EC Event “Leave of Absence” into different Action Type (PA0000-MASSN) for SAP HCM:

If we implement Leave of Absence in SuccessFactors Employee Central, then based on Time Type configuration New event/event reason record is created in employee’s job information whenever employee/Manager/HR applies LOA for employee.

Now in Employee Central we have only single Event (SuccessFactors standard delivered) Related to Leave of Absence (LOA).

But in some situation Business may have more than one “Action Type” (Infotype 0000 field name MASSN – Action type) for Leave of Absence.

In that case one single EC LOA event needs to map with different “Action Type” in SAP HCM.

Let’s take an example here: Suppose in Employee Central we have Unpaid & Paid Leave of absence called as Unpaid & Paid Maternity Leave & the matrix is below.

EC Time Type EC Event Reason EC Event
Paid Maternity Leave Paid LOA Leave Of Absence
Unpaid Maternity Leave Unpaid LOA Leave Of Absence

In SAP HCM for the above mentioned leave scenario Business has different “Action Type” in Infotype 0000 as per below example.

SAP HCM Action Type (PA0000-MASSN) SAP HCM Reason for Action (PA0000-MASSG)
Paid LOA Paid Maternity
Unpaid LOA Unpaid Maternity

As per Business the desired mapping is below:

EC Event SAP HCM Action Type (PA0000-MASSN) EC Event Reason SAP HCM Reason for Action (PA0000-MASSG)
Leave Of Absence Paid LOA Paid LOA Paid Maternity
Leave Of Absence Unpaid LOA Unpaid LOA Unpaid Maternity

Here we can see that Same EC Event (Leave of Absence) is mapped with different SAP HCM “Action Type” based on the different EC Event Reason.

Though EC to SAP HCM mapping use the one to one field/filed value mapping but we can implement BADI in SAP HCM side to address the above requirement.

Configuration Steps:

Step1: Implement the BADI for “BAdI: Change of Infotype record during EC to ERP replication”.

Step 2: Create the “Implementing Class”

Step3: Write Business logic under method”



Signature of the Method:

Sample Code for the Method implementation. If you are using Global Assignment or Concurrent Employment then make sure you are adding WS3 payload in the code to process the correct record of employment.

We have to define the “ec_temp_id”  under “Define Additional Employee Central Entities for Employee Data”. As per our example the id is "JOB_INFO" (WS4).

All Set.

Now based on the EC event reason (associated with EC Time Type & employee's job information record ) different “Action Type” & “Reason for Action” will be created in SAP HCM for the same EC job information record.

Note: Also there may be different approaches to address the requirement , like concatenation of value mapping, Additional code in the middleware (if it is in use), Use of SuccessFactors Business Rule functionality etc.
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