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New functionality to perform promotion action directly to the job information record, was made available in compensation worksheet starting the release Q3 2016. This was further enhanced in Q4 2016.

Enabling Compensation-EC Promotion Integration

Compensation-EC promotion integration has to be enabled in Provisioning.

Go to Actions for all plans > Company Settings and select the option ‘Enable Compensation-EC promotion integration’.

Enabling permissions

Additional permissions are needed for Manager’s and other users who should access the new promotion functionality.

In ‘Admin Center’ search for ‘Manage Permission Roles'.

Permission in ‘Employee Central - Compensation Integration’ under ‘User Permission’ section has to be enabled.

If ‘View’ is only selected for a particular permission, that particular field will not be editable in the worksheet.

If ‘Edit/Insert’ is selected for a particular permission, that particular field will be editable in the worksheet.

Note: The permission ‘Edit Link’ must be selected so that the option ‘Promote’ is available in the worksheet.

Fields selected in this section will be available in the worksheet.

Configuring Compensation Plan template

To enable Compensation-EC Promotion Integration in the Compensation Plan template,  includeJobSelector option must be set to True in xml.


Job Family, Job Role, Job Code, Pay grade, Final Job Family, Final Job Role, Final Job Code and Final Pay Grade fields should be included in the template along with job selector.

A new component type called ‘Promotion’, is available to map the promotion related fields in the Compensation plan template.

The fields Job Family, Job Role, Job Code and Pay grade will have to be mapped to the appropriate fields in jobinfo by selecting ‘EC Category’ as ‘Job Information’. Attributes ‘Reloadable’ and ‘Read-only’ should be set to ‘True’.

The fields Final Job Family, Final Job Role, Final Job Code and Final Pay Grade, should have attributes ‘Reloadable’ and ‘Read-only’ set to ‘True’. Also, ‘EC Category’ should be ‘EC Promotion’. ‘EC Field’ can be left blank for all these fields. These fields may be hidden from the worksheet.

Mapping for ‘Final Pay Grade’

The ‘finPayGrade’ field should be mapped to the ‘payGrade’ field with ‘EC Category’ as ‘EC Promotion’, so that, the newly selected paygrade value will be displayed in the 'finPayGrade’ field.


XML code for publishing to Job Information

The xml code needs only componentType and effectvieDate attributes. This has to be added in addition to the publish code for compInfo.

<comp-ect-output-component componentType="jobInfo" effectiveDate="2017-01-01">


Below option has to be disabled in Provisioning

Enable youCalc rules engine for HRIS — requires “Employee Central V2 (i.e., Event Reason Derivation)”, “Enable Generic Objects”, “Effective Dated Data Platform”, “Employee Profile data audit” and “Enable the Attachment Manager”

Promoting Employees

After the above configurations are done, newly launched forms will have ‘Promote’ link.

Clicking on the promote link will display job information fields for the employee, based on the permission for the logged in user. In this example, fields in the section ‘Organizational information’ are not editable.

Appropriate ‘Event’ has to be selected. ‘Event Reason’ field will be displayed once the ‘Event’ is selected.

Appropriate changes are to be done to fields in job information section and the record has to be saved by clicking on ‘Save’ button.

Deleting a promotion record

Click on the ‘Promote’ link for the employee. The existing promotion record will be displayed. Click on the ‘Delete’ button.

Click on ‘Yes’ in the confirmation message to delete the record.

Promotion information published in EC

Promotion will create a new record in job information based on the selection made in the worksheet and effective date of publishing.

Job information record created in EC is given below



Employee Central Promotion - Compensation Integration document from SAP help portal.

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