Hello world,
with my implementation experience with different customers on Data privacy, I would like to highlight the following points.
In this blog post I’m going to discuss about Data privacy consent statement Features and why we use this functionality. Also mobile application limitation and how it’s works in mobile application.
Data privacy means security and protection of "personal data". According to GDPR regulations EU regions follows rules and regulations. In SAP SuccessFactors for different countries we can use this feature called "Data Privacy Consent Statement". so whenever employee will login into system they will accept privacy policies and login securely.
What is Privacy Statement? Privacy Statement describes how we handle information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual’s ("Personal Data").
I hope you would like to know more about this topic so let’s see the below points:
Why Data Privacy Consent Statement?
- GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is regulation in EU laws on data protection and privacy that is followed by EU regions(European Union Member States, which includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain) and European Economic Area.
- It will apply to all companies selling to and storing personal information about citizens in Europe, including companies on other continents.
- SAP SuccessFactors values data protection as essential and it’s committed to help customer with applicable regulation- like GDRP (General Data Protection Regulation).
- That’s why this feature Data privacy Consent statement is designed in SuccessFactors to provide data protection and security.
- Data Privacy Consent Statement is a tool which we can use in SAP SuccessFactors to configure Privacy statement based on different country.
What is Privacy Statement?
Privacy Statement describes how we handle information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual’s ("Personal Data").
For Example:
You can see below screenshot to understand how the Privacy Statement looks like:
Navigation path:
Go to Admin Center->> under company settings you can find the tool- > Data Privacy Statement
Note: Admin and HR can access this tool, and once it enabled in SuccessFactors Employee can see the privacy statement at login page.

What are the features of Data Privacy Consent Statement?
This Feature will display Privacy Statement based on assigned Country.
Navigation path>>
Admin Center->company settings-> click on “
Data privacy Consent Statement” then Edit the particular Statement to see the settings.
In “
General Settings” you can find assigned country/region.
Based on country you have assigned to this statement, only those country’s employee or user can see the “Privacy Statement” at login.

2. Admin can add translations for Privacy statements. If there is no translation then Default Statement will visible to Employee.
In below screenshot you can see highlighted text “
default Statement”, if we are not giving any language or translation through “
add Language” in the same page then system will display only default statement to the employee.

3. Using Data privacy consent statement we can access Audit logs which means we can see the acceptance and Declination details of the Employee.
You can see in below screenshot highlighted text “
acceptance” we can see which user accepted and declined the Privacy Statement.

4. Using DPCS we can download Audit logs detailed reports.
In below screenshot you can see highlighted option “download detailed report”.
Navigation path:
1. Admin Center > Data Privacy Statement;
2. Select a data privacy statement of your choosing > View History;
3. Select the specific version > View Log;
4. Select View whose treatment of this statement is "ACCEPTANCE" or "declined" > Search;
5. Click "Download Detailed Report".

After downloading the report you can see the below details in sheet:

5. Admin can set the privacy Status using the tool Set DPCS status.
Admin can “accept” and “decline” the privacy statement status for particular Employee.
You can see in below screenshot using highlighted options Admin can “accept” or “decline” data privacy Statement.

6. Admin can Edit, delete and View History of Privacy Statement.
1. Admin Center > Data Privacy Statement;
2. Select a data privacy statement to Edit the changes.
3. if you want to check history then click on View History;
4. If you want to delete the Statement then click on “delete” icon right next to view history option.
in below screenshot you can see highlighted option to "view history"

in below screenshot you can see highlighted option "delete icon" to delete the Statement.

7. Show at Every login feature
If you want to set this feature should display when employee tries to login into system at every login then you can use “Show at Every login” option.
In below screenshot you can see highlighted option will enable this feature to use at every login.

8. Proxy function will not work.
If employee try to proxy another user then system will throw an error until that user accepts the Privacy statement.
In below screenshot you can see system is throwing an error message, “
The data privacy statement is not accepted yet, please accept statement first". It means user needs to accept it then only other user can proxy them.

Data Privacy Consent Statement Mobile App limitation:
- Limitation: Privacy Statement will only visible to desktop application, it's not support mobile application.
- When Employee tries to login into mobile app, employee can use Company URL or QR code scan methods to login into mobile app.
- Employee clicks on login then page will redirect to browser and using browser Employee can only “Accept” or “Decline” the Privacy Statement.
- The Privacy Statement that is visible in the app under Profile settings – About and Notices – Privacy Policy is the standard statement that comes with the app.
In below screenshot you can see "standard privacy statement" which comes under SuccessFactors mobile app.

See the below Screenshots to understand how DPSC works in mobile application
- Open the Mobile application(SAP SuccessFactors mobile app) and try to login with Company URL or QR code

2. If Data privacy Statement is enabled in SuccessFactors then it will ask to select browser to open with.
The privacy statement will not open directly in mobile app screen it opens in browser and supports only desktop application.

3. Enter username and password

4. Click on “
Accept”, User will not login into mobile app until accept the Privacy Statement outside the app.

After “acceptance” user can access mobile application.

5. If user “declines” the Privacy Statement then login fails, user can’t access the app until they accept it.

If user "decline the request then they will get below error in browser

You can also refer below KBAs to find how to configure Data privacy statement in Onboarding:
1. 2624742 - How to Configure Data Privacy Consent - Onboarding 1.0 [Data Protection and Privacy]
2. 2148489 - How to setup Data Privacy consent statement admin permissions for recruiting RCM DPCS1
Data privacy Consent Statement is used to take care about Personal data privacy and protection.
This feature comes under SAP SuccessFactors and We can use Privacy Statement in Onboarding also.
With this feature we can find which employee accepted the data privacy policy and which employee declined it.
Based on country Employee will be able to accept the Privacy Statement and login to system.
Thank you for reading this blog post. Hope you enjoyed it. I will try to write more informative blog post with different topics in future and share with you all.
Comment below and do let me know if you have any query happy to help you readers.