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The pdf forms are forms that are filled with the data collected during the incorporation process. We will use to create the form, a pdf editor. It is at that moment when the form fields must be added. Then we will upload it to the Onboarding module and we will map those fields of the form with the data dictionary fields.


  • Add Onboarding fields to a custom form


Let's start with a basic form made in word and saved in pdf file.

In Word, go to File, Export, Create PDF/XPS Document and select Create PDF/XPS button.

Open the pdf form in a pdf file editor, that way we can add the fields of the form that we will then map. The recommended pdf editor is Adobe Acrobat, but you can use any other available. For the example we use Adobe Acrobat.

In Adobe Acrobat, go to File, Create, PDF Form...

Use the current document PDF.

Select Add New Field, Text Field

Place the text box on the First Name line. Choose the field name according to the need, in the example, FirstName.

Click away from the text box and resize the box to the desired length.

Repeat these steps for all fields, entering the appropriate Data Key in each case.

In Adobe Acrobat, go to File, Save as, Optimized PDF...


We have seen how to create a form from the beginning. It may happen that a form is already available and it is only necessary to modify it, or that you do not have any and you have to create it.

This is the objective of this article, because when we obtain the appropriate form for our process we must map it properly in OnBoarding. And that's what part two is about.

I hope this publication facilitates the management of pdf forms. Watch for part two to upload the pdf form.





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