Compensation is a data driven process. Often it can be an overwhelming experience for users, but the SuccessFactors platform remains at the top of human experience with some simple to implement solutions for cost effective data communication.
Along side the standard reports, there is also an 'Insights' feature provided with the platform that can be embedded with Compensation to provide a visual representation of data available within Compensation Planning and ready for reporting during your compensation cycle!
First, I would recommend identifying what it is you need to report on and what do you want to enhance? To build the picture here, I am going to demonstrate my example focused on Comp-Ratio and specifically on the employees that are out of range ( below 80% and above 120%). After the requirement has been identified its easier to capture and digest the specifics in a table like below,

(Ref 1.Shows the requirements gathered)
Now that we have a the blueprints for this report, we have to ensure the data source is readily available.
On this occasion there was no simple, clean set for the data source as standard and so we produce a hidden column specifically for this insight as shown below.
(Ref 2. Custom column)
The easiest bit, as long as you've completed your due diligence and are prepared. The creation of the tile with the Tile Builder Wizard, here you will see how the above prerequisite ties in with the build!
- Step 1, once you have entered the wizard with the Compensation Planning domain you need to title the new tile

(Ref 3. Wizard - General Info)
- Step 2, we need to identify our data sources and audience - on this occasion it will be the User who is on the form and their target audience as defined within RBPs. For the data set it will be compensation template we want to link this insight too

(Ref 4. Wizard - People and Datasets)
- Step 3, Chart data need to be identified. As in Ref 1, we identified a custom column to ID the above and below employees as the Category and the actual users in the form as the Metric

(Ref 5. Wizard - Chart Data)
- Step 4 and 5 in the Wizard can be skipped for this example as we wont be adding any filters or date ranges
- Step 6, the drill down is similar to an Ad-Hoc report. Drill down will take fields from the template and produce an in-depth drill down of information that's driving our infographic and identified within the requirements captures in Ref 1
(Ref 6. Wizard - Drill Down)
- Step 7, we have a preview! Or atleast we should. If the preview is failing there is a high chance there are no forms launched. If there are forms launched then its back to the drawing board..

(Ref 7. Wizard - Preview)
- Step 8, the final stage is to save the tile and ensure we check this tile as 'Active'

(Ref 8. Wizard - Availability)
You might be tempted to check the 'Homepage' option at the final stage, however, thinking about performance and availability of information along side with the limited time of use for these infographics this would not be recommended. They will display as broken tiles when on the homepage outside of the compensation planning period.
The correct place to house these tiles is within the 'Insight' tab within the form. To enable Insights navigate to Manage Insights and toggle the Compensation to the on position and add the tiles you wish to include
(Ref 9. Insights)
Completed Solution
Done! Head over to your compensation template, click on the new Insights tab and review the snap shot of information now available to make sense of the current state of play within your compensation planning cycle!
(Ref 10. Compensation Range Position Insight)
These insights are great for quick reviewing of data and for reporting to the business - however, they cannot replace current reporting methods and don't store history unless extracted. For this reason they should be reference only and used to enhance your solution rather than fill gaps.
These reports refresh with the template, there for any changes during planning will not update live on a the users screen. The users must 'Save' the form for the insights to refresh and pick up a new set of information.
Performance! Compensation can be heavily technical, with every enhancement you should consider performance. If you are in a large organisation, restricting the amount of entries on a single screen will help but adding many insights will not!
Insights do not, by default, respect what is filtered on screen in Executive Review or Worksheets (contrarily to the Metrics tab which is harder to edit). So customers need to make sure they put the permission to view this tile in roles that have the right target population to avoid confidentiality issues.
For more on this topic, check out the following comprehensive KBA:
2338137 - Dashboards Guide/Training/Documentation/Implementation Request/Enhancement Request/SAP Sup...
Steps 1 to 8 described have been captured in a recording here, by Xavier, for the visual learners amongst us! :
Thanks for reading through this blog and I hope I have helped in your research on the Art of the Possible!