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Names are generally one of the first things we ask for and one of the first things we offer in conversation as part of getting to know someone!

Ergo, Names are pretty important information when it comes to Recruiting as well. However: names can take a lot of forms such as combinations of numbers, special characters etc.., and it's hard to account for all of them in Recruiting process.

Problem Statement

Let’s talk about the problems which Recruiters are facing with Candidate Names in SF,

1, Numeric values are included along with First Name / Last Name
2, Special Characters are used along with First Name / Last Name
3, Keeping the Last name with full stops, commas, numbers etc..

These are the common challenges Recruiters are facing with Candidate Names,

Seems like these are small mistakes right ???

Yes !!! these small mistakes can make bigger impacts…

These implications can cause issues at the time of sending system-generated emails from the system, system-generated documents such as Offer Letters, Appointment Letters, Onboarding documents etc.. why because in SF RCM we are using the Tokens for Candidate Name in all the emails and documents.



Now lets talk about the solution for the above problem statement.

If we want to build validation into our forms, how do we validate names? Can we?

This article describes how to use Business Rules in Recruiting to validate if a field value can only be Alphanumeric by restricting Numbers & Special Characters.

As the Candidate Data is flowing from RCM to ONB to EC, its recommended to keep the validations steps at the very first step to make the system data & Reports error-free.

The Solution is pretty much simple as follows,

  1. Create an Error Message definition in Manage Data.

  2. Write a Business rule based on Candidate Profile First Name & Last Name.


1 : Create an Error Message definition in Manage Data.


  1. Navigate to the “Manage Data” and click on the “Create New” section and select “Message Definition” to create an “Error Message”. You can configure the error message which is to be displayed with the required Translations.

As of now, we are giving the following message as “Text” “ Please provide the Name as per Aadhar Card” After that provide the “External Code & Name” andSave” the Message Definition.


Fig 1:-Manage Data


2: Write a Business rule with Candidate Profile First Name & Last Name.


  1. Navigate to “Manage Rules in Recruiting” and create a new “Candidate Profile Business Rule” Provide the “Basic Information” and provide the Below conditions in the Business Rule. Then select the “ Error Message” that we have created in Step -1. and also set one more condition to make the values in the “First Name & Last Name” field to “Null

Fig 2:- Business Rules condition-1

Note: In this condition, we have used the validation for only alphabet. Each validation will require a specific regular expression. Here we have used : Only alphabet letters:   ^[a-zA-Z]+$

Refer the KBA: for specific regular expression

  1. Now provide the “Else If” Condition as mentioned below and “Save” the Business Rule.

Fig 3 :- Business Rule condition-2

  1. Now we need to assign this Business Rule to the “Candidate Profile” in “Manage Rules in Recruiting” and we need to assign the trigger points as “First Name & Last Name” field for Field Change Rule.

Fig 4:- Assigning Business Rules

Now we have defined the condition in such a way that, the system will do the Validation on First Name & Last Name for the Candidate Profile. If the Candidate enter any value other than Alphabets, the system will throw an error message stating “Please provide the Name as per Aadhar Card” and the system will automatically set the value to “Null”.


Now we can navigate to the Candidate Profile and check how effectively our solution is working!!!

Excited right??? Here we go!!!


If the Candidate enters any numeric values in the First Name, the system will do the validation and show an error message to update the Name as per Aadhar Card and the field value will be set to “Null”.

Fig 5 :- Test case - Condition-1

Fig 6 :- Test case-Result-1


Condition – 2

If the Candidate enters any numeric values in the Last Name, the system will do the validation and show the error message to update the Name as per Aadhar Card and the field value will be set to “Null”.

Fig 7 :- Test case - Condition-2

Fig 8 :- Test case - Result -2



The Solution was Pretty simple Right???

Thanks for spending your valuable time for reading this Blog!

With this solution we will be able to overcome the different ways of entering wrong or unwanted information entering into our system. As we are giving more importance to the candidates we should be able to validate them as well properly.

Through this solution, the time of the Recruiter can be saved and we can make sure that our system data is free from unwanted entries and error free.

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1, KBA reference from SAP Launchpad

2, We have used all the Screenshots from our Demo system.

3, SAP Documentation from
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