When it comes to performance management, processes will differ based on different industries and countries. For few organizations, a single performance form might not suffice due to some unique process requirements. With multiple form requirement there also comes a need to have a consolidated/averaged rating derived from these forms.
One of the most common limitation that has been a challenge while implementing Performance & Goals management for most of us is averaging the ratings coming from multiple forms and displaying it in another form. However we were lucky enough to have found a workaround without manual intervention to this.
Customers who have a quarterly review process might want to maintain the record of quarterly ratings and later get an average of all quarters and display it in the Annual review form or Employee Profile. This could be achieved with the help of following 4 components SuccessFactors Performance & Goals Management, Reporting, Integration Centre and Custom MDF portlet in EC.

Process diagram with components used
Step 1: Scheduled Report: Initially a scheduled report has to be created where, under destination we would be defining the method as SFTP and mentioning the file path and other details. The occurrence can be set as per process requirement. With this the files extracted from the reports will be placed in SFTP under the mentioned folder.
Step 2: MDF Portlet: Create an MDF portlet with 2 field for rating from both the forms and 3rd field to populate the calculated average of values entered in these 2 rating fields. This portlet can be made visible to the intended users in EP and also a link of this portlet can be provided in any Performance review form for ease of access during evaluation process.

Custom MDF Portlet (Sample from Demo system)
Step 3: Integration Centre: The files (extracted from reports as in step-1 that were saved in SFTP will be then picked up by integration center. Under your integration center you will need to create a ‘scheduled CSV input integration’ (as the report is set to be extracted in .csv format) or select ‘More integration types’ and mention the source as SFTP. On selecting SFTP as the source, the destination and format will be automatically selected.
You will then have to select the MDF portlet that you created in step 2 and upload a csv file extracted from the report under the configure fields for mapping the report fields with the MDF portlet for integration. Under field mapping view, drag and drop the source fields to relevant destination fields and set the purge type as incremental purge so as to maintain multiple records.
Under source settings provide the SFTP details and mention the schedule as per process requirement. Review and run the integration and its done!!

Integration Centre (Sample from Demo system)
This workaround might need some maintenance and support from the consultants at later stage though, but is definitely worth a happy customer. Since this has been a common ask, I hope we might also see a solution form SAP sometime in future in their product upgrades. Meanwhile this could be a savior for both the consultants and customers.
Please feel free to provide your feedback or thoughts in comments.
Rucha Pujari