Regardless of single recruiter role in Onboarding may cause some challenges when it is necessary to assign a step, task or send an email to that role. For multinational companies it is hard to assign all tasks to managers because they have also other tasks that they are responsible remotely.
You can create groups either dynamic or not and write rules to assign data review steps in Onboarding and Offboarding to these groups. However, if a customer has many physical location and different roles assigned to correct new hire start date, personal email address and job information, which are crucial in Onboarding also, termination date, event reason and other details in Offboarding, it is must to assign these steps to related people.
Instead of writing rules with too many lines, you can use lookup table. I will explain gradually how to that.
First, you need to create an object definition in ‘Configure Object Definitions’. In the object, you need add your variables. It is necessary to add
‘ONB2ResponsibilityConfig’ that is where all responsible groups exist in Onboarding.
Please note it is not required to create any user interface for that object.

Second, you need to upload related data to your object. You can use ‘Import and Export Data’ for mass upload.

Third, write data review rule for Onboarding and Offboarding separately. I am sharing an example below, in this example; my variables are 'Job Function', 'Personnel Sub Area' and 'Job Level Category'. These are some information in Job Information. You can use any variable that you need.

In this way, system automatically reaches to correct group with checking all variables.
Please do not forget that this implementations only for assigning. You still need to give related permission in ‘Manage Permission Roles’.
In conclusion, in some organizational structures, it is not enough to check one variable and assign steps with writing rules. You need to cross check with different variables and combine them. Lookup table structure is simpler and effective way to implement. Any possible changes in future; you have opportunity to rearrange your implementations without effecting your daily routine.
Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask in comments.
I am also sharing some KBA’s and official SAP documentation below related with this topic.
2899209 - How to Assign Manager Review Step in ONB to Responsible Groups
New Hire Data Review Configuration