Where it's better to create an enhacement for VFX3?
Where it's better to create an enhacement for VFX3?I want to save a data to mine Ztable after 'Release to Accounting'And i want this enhancement to execute only with VFX3 t-code.
Where it's better to create an enhacement for VFX3?I want to save a data to mine Ztable after 'Release to Accounting'And i want this enhancement to execute only with VFX3 t-code.
Hi, experts.How to set an amount of Condition type at VL02N -> Conditions?It's 0,000 now, i want to set 2,5 %.
Hi Friends,I've been encountering issues when trying to use BAPI_SALES_ORDER_CHANGE to remove delivery block. Here's the issues I'm getting:-When trying to change 2 sales orders, 1st one gets posted successfully while second throws an error saying "S...
Hello Experts,We need to create an additional tab on the sales order header screen (VA01). We have found a BAdI for that BADI_SLS_HEAD_SCR_CUS. This BAdI has not been released yet to be used in ABAP Cloud versions.Is there any replacement for the abo...
Hi,expertsI've got a condition type (ZF00 ) which calculates 2.5 of delivery cost and add it to sum, but user didn't see the percentage at amount field.How to set a value into amount field. The value of 2.5 % is getting from FTXP t-code. If i try ti ...
Hi,experts How does calcType works at v/08?I've got an automaticly filled cond Type. I want to know how the calculation works.
Hi, experts.How to set an default value into VL03n->HeaderInformation->Conditions ?I want ZF00 to count aotomaticly (2.5 %) , like zwb1 ( 20%) .When i add ZF00 manually and press reacticate it counts correctly (second line of ZF00 at img2), but do it...