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Regex help

Hi,I'm trying to develop a regex pattern to search a string. The string is like 'Aravind.Induchudan'.Whatever before dot can be 3 to 7 characters and whatever after dot can be also 3 to 7 characters.The regex pattern is '[A-Z]{3,10}\.[A-Z]{3,10}'.The...

start-of-selection and sy-ucomm

sy-ucommAT SELECTION-SCREEN.  IF sy-ucomm = 'BTN1' AND lv_executed IS INITIAL.    "lv_executed = abap_true.    CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_GET_NEXT'      EXPORTING        nr_range_nr             = '01'        object                  = 'ZNRO_TEST2'      IMP...

Semih by Newcomer
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Hello everyone, Could you please help me in choosing the right answer for the following question:When does SAP recommended to use a sorted or a hashes table respectively? Notes: There are 2 correct answers to this question.a. A hashed table, when you...

128 by Explorer
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Hi, the length lengths of the structdescr->components table are doubled. how do I solve it? SELECT lifnr, surbel, tedbf, eysbel, degkul, degtar, degsaa, iso_9001, iso_9001_t, iatf_16949, iatf_16949_t, surbel_t, iso_14001, iso_14001_t, iso_45001...

Arslan1 by Explorer
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Converting C Code to Abap

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> // N, 2 boyutlu matrisin boyutudur N*N#N 9'u tanımı /* Izgarayı yazdırmak için bir yardımcı fonksiyon */void print(int arr[N][N]){     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)      {         for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)       ...

Arslan1 by Explorer
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