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Upgrading to SAP CC 4.0 from SAP CC 3.0 SP16 P37

0 Kudos

Dear CC experts,

we want to upgrade to SAP CC 4.0 from SAP CC 3.0 SP16 P37 it is mentioned in to 'apply directly this SAP CC 4.0 SP10 Patch 2 by selecting Patch 2 SAR files instead of default SP10 ones during the upgrade process with SAPINST'

When we go to the Download Software page below: SWDC Notes Download ( it gives the download Object:


This looks like the SP10 patch 17 and there is no patch 2. Would it be fine to upgrade to this patch level or is there any prerequisite and you cannot go directly to this patch? If yes where can we find the SP10 Patch 2 Sar files?

Thank you,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Doris and Amo,

Actually, in a general way, you must only install the most recent patch available, because each new SAP patch already contains all the previous ones.
So, in the present case, you must simply install patch 17, and forget about patch 2.

There is one peculiarity, though: when patch 2 came out, there was one bug fix that required you to increase the HEARTBEAT_DEAD_CONNECTION_PERIOD_COUNT parameter manually, for the dispatcher.
As explained above, all the bug fixes and enhancements of patch 2 are already installed automatically with any subsequent patch but, despite that, you must still apply the manual procedures yourself.
For this reason, just to make sure you didn't miss that, each patch note (from patch 3 to patch 17) explicitly reminds you that you have to change the parameter, because patch 2 required it. Without that, you'd have to read each patch note individually and find all the manual procedures yourself.

Please let me know if you need any more information about that.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

0 Kudos

Hello François,

thank you for the reply. We followed the upgrade procedure and performed all the prerequisite steps and started the upgrade process with SAPInst.

As it was mentioned in the steps we selected Install/Standard System Installation/Core Server - First Step

Then in the Define Parameters, we selected 'Custom' and on the next screen, we entered the SAPSID = XXX. XXX is the old SAP CC 3.0 installation ID.

When pressed Next we got an error saying that this SAPSID already exists and either we should set a new SAPSID or uninstall the current one.

In the procedure, there was no step for uninstalling the old CC.

Could you kindly advise us on how to move forward?

Should we uninstall it or define a new SID?

Thank you.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Doris,

The message from the installer is expected, because you used the wrong operation to upgrade your system.
The "First step" button is only for when you're installing a new system.
In the present case, you have to go to the "Life cycle" section and choose the right option there. As a result, you'll be able to choose the SID of the system you want to upgrade. For this, you must not uninstall anything at all, though.

Please let met know if you need any more details.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

hi dkarapici

i see that nobody picked this up so let me try to help you

The perfect answer is go to maintenance planner, select the system and run the transaction the upgrade your system, if it comes (as it think) with latest patch for SP10, you are sweet.

Sometimes though, you need to follow the logic, sap give you the link in the note to download already the patch 2 of the SP10 so I'm quite comfy that you can go to latest patch

Also, in the upgrade guides (here and here) sap always talk about The target version is the latest support package (SP) with the latest patch level delivered by SAP...

Thats it, this is my best answer given that I'm not authorised to access that software..
