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Track bonded goods movement between plants having the same Customs ID - SAP GTS

0 Kudos

Hello all,

My customer have a business scenario:

1. Multiple plants(Logical locations) are assigned to one Customs ID(Physical facility).

2. Bonded inventory is moved between one plant to another under the same Customs ID/license using Inter Warehouse order (IWT) in SAP ECC

Question: GTS tracks inventory at Customs ID level, not at individual plants under the customs ID if I am right?

Is there any way to identify the plant to plant movement of bonded inventory in SAP GTS, under the same Customs ID?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Pradeep,

You seem to be describing a "Public Warehouse". In that case, the requirement should be satisfied by defining two separate Customs IDs - one for each CWH. Indeed there may be a single Authorisation applying to both - that's no problem.

Please consider, and let us know if the issues are solved or more arise from that suggestion.


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Dave,

Appreciate your feedback. From a customs perspective, there is no requirement to track goods movement between plants/storage locations within the same customs ID.

Bonded stock may be moved between 2 bonded facilities using 'transfer postings' you rightly called out. Both the facilities will have a same customs warehouse license. But the customer requires the tracking of this movement for couple of reasons:

1. Assess the current ownership of bonded goods from a bonded facility point of view.

2. Reporting customs duty liability for the entire inventory in the warehouse (at plant level).

This is a unique requirement, which standard GTS may not be able to fulfil.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Pradeep,

Your question is rather strange. For goods movements flagged as "Transfer Postings" (for example Movement Type 301), GTS ignores the Material Document if both Storage Locations are part of the same CustomsID, since the movement will have no effect on the inventory from a Customs viewpoint. So it's not clear why you would want to identify such movements there. Instead, they can easily be identified in the feeder system.

Maybe you'd care to explain what you are trying to achieve?
