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Set XBLNR and OPORD differently to DFKKOP

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Hi all,

we are using BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE to create open items in FI-CA. The different values we set in fields ref_doc_no and class_key per Item, which is in the PARTNERPOSITIONS table in the mentioned BAPI, are ignored in the further procedure - only the first value is taken over. This fields refer to XBLNR and OPORD, table DFKKOP. Both fields have a relation to the header table DFKKKO and seems to be replicating on the positions. It would be very helpful for us if we could fill these two fields differently at the DFKKOP level, as we can't create separated fica documents for functional reasons.

Does anyone have experience with this or can give a note on how we can populate this information differently within a document?


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Hi bekir.cosar,

What I was referring is that the associated FICA document gets created when you generate the invoice document (e.g. Utility industry). Then that invoice document gets stored in the XBLNR field of the FICA document (OPBEL). Now there if you want to update the OPORD with separate information, the event R429 can be used.

Coming back to your issue, Is there any other process present in your system which is filling up the OPORD field when generating the FICA document ?



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Hi rahul.chakraborty3 , ok. We use application Area S - Extended FI-CA.

Yes, for sure. We have integrated scenario with SD, so Event 4000 and 0061 is triggered with an custom logic to overrule the input for OPORD - but there we check before the value in "HERKF", which is not matching with the value for our case we use for the BAPI. Otherwise, only this parallel process is provided, which we would like to use for a direct posting of a FICA document through the mentioned BAPI.

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Hi bekir.cosar,

Has the classification key been activated from the IMG? If not, kindly activate it from the below path.

SPRO-->Financial Accounting (New)-->Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable-->Program Extensions-->Prepared Extensions-->Classification Key.

If it's already been activated, could you please confirm if OPORD is correctly getting updated for the FICA documents generated from the nominal invoice run?



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Hi rahul.chakraborty3 , yes - I activated OPORD via Standard Cust path. I called this customizing path again to check the activation verification - positive, without any error. I'm not quite sure what you mean by Invoice run with reference to FI-CA, can you tell me the exact process there? We only use the FI-CA module, without the CC or CI part.

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Hi yoganandamuthaiah,

I assume that BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST have to be used in case of creating open items in FI-AR. My question refers to module FI-CA, contract accounting. For this reason this BAPI will not be usable. Event 1120 refers to changes to a document that has already been posted. In my case, the document is still on runtime and needs to be posted (create mode).

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It seems that the fields ref_doc_no and class_key are not being populated correctly when using the BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE function. According to SAP Community1, this issue can be caused by the fact that the BAPI is not designed to handle multiple values for these fields.

However, there are some workarounds that you can try. One of them is to use the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST function instead of BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE. This function allows you to post accounting documents with multiple line items and different referen...2.

Another workaround is to use the BTE (Business Transaction Event) 1120 to populate the fields ref_do...1.