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SAP CPQ - Restore the configurator session from a configuration id


I'm trying to interact with the configurator via API.

Here's the workflow:

1. create a new configuration calling POST /api/configuration/v1/configurations

2. initialize the configurator via POST /api/rd/v1/Configurator/Init?configurationId=<the-configuration-id>

3. interact with the configurator and change the attribute values (e.g. api/rd/v1/Configurator/ChangeAttributeValue?stdAttrCode=1651&pavIdCsv=91453)

After these steps, I want to find a way to retrieve the configuration later on in a new session, without losing all the changes I've made in step 3.

Sadly, every time I try to initialize the configuration all the attributes I've set in the third step are lost. I was expecting that the configuration id in the POST /api/rd/v1/Configurator/Init?configurationId=<the-configurator-id> would help me to retrieve these information.

So far the only way I found is to save the configuration to favorites every time a change is made to the form, but I'm not too fond of the solution.There are other parameters that can be used to initialize the configurator (pid, cid, sid, systemId, configurationId, favId). But they are not well documented in the API spec.

Is there a way to initialize the configurator by restoring configurations from a previous work session?

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Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi ecostanzi

This is known issue.. Those are Quote 1.0 API's.

Quote 2.0 API's needs to be addressed... Its better you can ask this request from Customer Influence Portal for CPQ enhancement, so it goes directly to CPQ product & engineering team to consider for furture

0 Kudos

Hello yoganandamuthaiah, thank you for your reply. Could you please point me to the portal so I can explain the request?

0 Kudos

I'm also looking at quote 2.0 api reference here It looks like that I cannot replicate the workflow I described in my question. It seems I can handle the quote, but I cannot interact with the configuration and the configurator. Am I missing something?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


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