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SAP BPC : Member does not exist error in running data manager package

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Hi Folks,

I am sure they are many blogs for the same error but all those settings were already done in My EPM Files.

I am loading a very simple Hierarchy from BW to BPC.I am missing very simple point i believe. I hope you guys give me the answer for this.

Error :

Here is my snapshots.

Info object : ZCH_PRJ and the hierarchies were loaded successfully.

These are my below transformation file , conversion and data manager package . but failing the DMP while loading.

transformation file : validation process successful

Set selection : Hierarchy is selected.

conversion file :

Data manager package : Using the below data manager and accessing the transformation file with hierarchy selection but getting the error.

I have tried differents ways to run the package of hierarchy. With overwrite, update, internal, external.member id's ..all combinations. I get the same error always

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swetha_sap501Loading Hierarchy in BPC from a BW Info object is a 2 step process.

  1. Load all the master data both children and the parent nodes using the DM package /CPMB/IMPORT_IOBJ_MASTER. Ensure Import Text Node is checked under the hierarchy tab of this package. This will import both child and parent node master data into BPC.

2. Load hierarchies (assigning parents to Children) using DM Package /CPMB/IMPORT_IOBJ_HIER

The reason you are getting the error is because the parent nodes do not exist in BPC. I could not see in your post that if you have run the first package or the parent nodes exist from a prior run of the package. Please check in BPC administration of dimension that you have those parent nodes as master data and if not then run the step 1 prior to running the step 2.

Hope this helps !!
