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Row member auto populate based on a property

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I am using EPM10 with support package 13.

I have an EPM Input form using Time and Category on columns, Profit center, Account and Project in row dimensions. Account has to be populated based on project dimension's property. So I display the property of project dimension and used a vlook up to get the corresponding account dimension and then refer that cell into account dimension member to create EPMOlapmember formula using Active member recognition on.

When I do this, the epm report acts inconsistently. When I manually enter Projects,

1. Everytime I have to copy the Account dimension member's EPMOLapMemberO formula referring to the cell where I do account - project property matching. Or the formula even though I copied it earlier it still pointing to wrong cells,

2. The same Profit center, Account, Project row appear more than one time or multiple times.

Also, I am saving Project Start End date to an Account as a signed value. I am using EPMSave for this (couldn't use axis share). How would you do an dynamic format for this ? Right now I am using Excel conditional formatting if Project member is greater than spaces , format the project start, end dates.

Any input will be appreciated.

Thanks everyone.


Message was edited by: Vivek Vikram : Add formatting EPMSavecolumn.

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Hi Vivek,

Please describe the relationship between Project and Account dimensions (stored in Project property): one to one? or?

Provide some screenshot.


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Project Property is Project Benefit . Project Benefit to Account mapping is Many to One. for example, Maintenance - Repair, Maint - Replace, Maint - Improve  all map to single account . This is just one example of mapping. Each energy saving method maps to single account Energy_Savings. etc.

Let me know if you need more clarity.

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If I understand correctly each project have one property - Benefit, that can be one of some values. Values of this property are not directly linked to the account, but some groups of property values are linked to the account (using excel table).

Then, is it possible to create additional property of the Project dimension - Account and fill it with related Account members?

In this case you will be able to establish automatic relation between Account and Project based on Project property Account.


BE is linked to PLANBE property of TITLES dimension


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hey Vadim, Just got off meeting with my architect. I did not know this feature. I am going to exactly do what you said. I will post how I did it and if it works.

Thanks for the input.

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It works exactly the way shown on my screenshot: each member of TITLES dimension has the value in the PLANBE property: the BE member (Entity ID).

TITLES: 1110 PLANBE: BE1000; Member in BE column - BE1000

It's a standard feature.


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Vadim, I also have would like to know how do I apply dynamic formatting to source cells that are used in EPMSaveData functions.

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If you are talking about EPMSaveData function then you are not using EPM report? Without EPM report - no dynamic formatting sheet...


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I am told to save project start and end dates in an account. so I have to use epmsave functions. Right now I am using EPMCopyRange to populate the formatting for those. Other I thought of using is an empty local member. but adding local members seems cumbersome to change.

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What is the relation between storage of dates in signeddata and usage of epmsave functions???

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we have assigned an account called project_start_date and basically start date is saved as signed data but displayed in date format and retrieved using EPMSaveData . it takes other dimension values from the rest of the report.

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