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Product aggregation on Billing document for customer with multiple subscriptions


Dear Expert, 

For our customer we're implementing the integration between S4hana public cloud and SAP subscription billing (scope item 57Z).

Please consider the following scenario: 
the end customer purchases subscriptions for the data consumption of their serialized devices.
Since the customer wants to be able to pause and resume the subscription linked to each device, we'll create 1 subscription per device with technical resource = serial number of the device.
Let's say we have 3 devices with 3 subscription
s, each subscription containing the same 2 rate elements.

If we group the 3 subscription billing requests into one billing document, the item list of the billing document will look like this:

1000rate element 11 ea
2000rate element 21 ea
3000rate element 11 ea
4000rate element 21 ea
5000rate element 11 ea
6000rate element 21 ea

On the contrary, we would like quantities to be aggregated for the same product in order to achieve the following in the billing document + form:

1000rate element 13 ea
2000rate element 23 ea

Can you please advise on how we could achieve this?
I've looked into Aggregations in pricing but it looks like this feature influence the pricing of one subscription and not the aggregation of multiple subscriptions, or am I mistaken?

Thank you for the help.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

"Aggregations in pricing" won't help here. This feature is focusing on aggregating multiple sub-periods within one billing cycle for the price.

To achieve this kind of aggregation within Subscription Billing you would need to maintain all devices within one subscription. There you assign multiple "Technical Resources" to each rate element.
However, by doing so you are loosing the option to pause & resume individual devices.

If you want to keep your modelling there might be the option to do the aggregation during transfer of billing data to S4H Sales Billing. This would require a custom iFlow where multiple bill charges are combined.

You could also look for options within S4H Sales Billing to combine multiple billing requests. Not sure what is possible there.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Ralf,
0 Kudos
Hi Ralf, thank you for the input, I'll look into the possibility of creating a custom iFlow. Thanks!