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Problem with RestClient sending a xml

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

As you can see in the links below the CLR Module Import is No Longer Supported. I am trying to use the new way using Using RestClient but I am getting an error.

FUNCION: UpdateC4CQuote_new: Error: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.

Can some write an example of how to send a Quote.GetQuoteInXML() using Using RestClient?

old code

import System

from System import Uri, Convert

from System.Net.Http import HttpClient, HttpRequestMessage, HttpMethod, StringContent

from System.Text.Encoding import UTF8


if Quote.OrderStatus.Id != 38 and Quote.OrderStatus.Id != 2:


client = HttpClient() request = HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

content = Quote.GetQuoteInXML()

request.Content = StringContent(content)

response = client.SendAsync(request)



Log.Write("UpdateC4CQuote response - " + str(response))

except Exception, e:

Log.Error("FUNCION: UpdateC4CQuote: Error: " + str(e))

new code

this box doesn't work

if Quote.OrderStatus.Id != 38 and Quote.OrderStatus.Id != 2:

url= "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

accessToken = RestClient.GetBasicAuthenticationHeader("xxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxxxxxx")

headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str(accessToken) }

Log.Write("FUNCION UpdateC4CQuote_new - headers: "+str(headers))

document = Quote.GetQuoteInXML()

contenido = StringContent(document, Encodings.UTF7, 'text/xml')

formContent = MultipartFormDataContent()


c = RestClient.Post(url, headers, formContent)

Log.Write("FUNCION UpdateC4CQuote_new - end: ")

except Exception, e:

Log.Error("FUNCION: UpdateC4CQuote_new: Error: " + str(e))

As of 2311: CLR Module Import No Longer Supported

Alternatives to CLR Module Import

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)



You should explicitly define the values of the Accept and Content-Type fields in the headers like this:

requestBody = Quote.GetQuoteInXML()
requestHeaders = {
    'Authorization': 'Basic ' + accessToken,
    'Accept': 'application/xml',
    'Content-Type': 'text/xml'

response = RestClient.Post(url, requestBody, requestHeaders)

The Content-Type header describes the format of the payload (parameters) that is sent (application/json, application/xml, etc.), while the Accept header describes the format of the response that is expected.

"Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0." message means that RestClient cannot parse the payload response you received. The default value for Accept and Content-Type headers for RestClient is application/json. If you expect XML data for the response payload, you should explicitly define a value of the Accept header as application/xml (or text/xml).


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